Back stabbing bitches

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We all encountered those people who just can't keep their mouth shut. The worst part about it all is that you think that they're your friend, when actually they just want to start with you. Like for instance, you tell them:

"I have a secret, don't tell anyone"

They reply by saying:

"Okay, you can definitely trust me"

Then next thing you know it, you tell them your secret and you guessed it, they go and tell EVERYONE. And when I say everyone, I mean everyone. They'd even tell a hobo on the street for all you know. So naturally, you go to then to have a one on one. You'd usually start by saying:

"How come you told people?!"

They'd reply by saying:

"Trust me, I didn't tell anyone"

That'll get me so mad. Like bitch, I caught you. Don't lie.

~I couldn't really think of anything for today so, sorry if it kinda lacked the usual 'lol' moment~

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