Chapter 3

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hey guys! okay so before this chapter i just want to say a few things...

soo number one : coment, coment, coment ! i want to know what you guys think

annd number two: i want to know if u guys want shorter chapters with more frequent uploeads oorr longer chapters with less frequent downloads

so let me know!


"Hey cutie, miss me? Xoxo Trent."

I stare at the text over and over until my vision starts to get blurry. How did Trent get my number? I thought I cancelled of ties with him.

"How did you get my number Trent?"

"Addie gave it to me cutie. Why, don't you miss me?"

"Trent. You need to leave me alone. Its over between us, you need to get that through your head."

Trent was my boyfriend when I lived in London and we had a pretty good relationship until I caught him at the movies with the schools slut Priscilla making out in the back row. I broke it off with him but he couldn't let go. He started getting obsessive calling every day, texting me every minute, showing up at my house and even one time he started throwing stones at my window and trust me it was far from romantic.

It was getting to a point when I was getting scared, we ended up calling the police and got a restraining order against him, but when that didn't work we decided it was time to move. That's how I ended up in Florida.

"What are you talking about babe, we belong together."

"No Trent we don't. I'm going to go, please don't text me back. "

"Alright babe, talk to you later ;) "

This is not good, this is so not good! I think to myself as I pace back and forth in my room. My mom will know what to do.

I call her and she answers on the third ring.

"Hey Hunny what's up?" she says and I can hear the smile in her voice

"Mom, Trent just texted me, he hasn't changed. Addie gave him my number, what do I do? I'm freaking out over here."

"What. Are you serious, you think that boy would've learned his lesson by now " she says the smile completely out of her voice " alright well I'm going to pay a visit to his parents while I'm here and have a talk with them about Trent and see what we can do about him. He needs to get help."

"Okay thanks mom, love you" I say feeling so grateful that she was in London when this happened and could take action

"Love you too Hun, I have to go into a meeting in like 5 minutes so I should get going, text me if things get worse."

"I will" I say before hanging up.

I couldn't believe that Trent had gotten a hold of me again. It really freeked me out but I knew he couldn't do anything because I was all the way in Florida. I took a couple deep breaths then hopped in the shower before I went to bed.

When I woke up the next morning I felt so much better than I had the night before I put on my comfiest robe and my bunny slipper then put on just go with it on the TV that faced my bed cuddled in my bed with a really soft and fuzzy blanket.

When my movie was half way over I started getting ready for school I put on some white jeans, a jean button up shirt with a white scarf over top and some white wedges. I curled my hair then put on some makeup than went downstairs to go to my car.

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