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White that's all he saw that's all He felt cold emptiness of being a thousand someone to grow up to be a rich asshole that tried to control the other numbers. No that's not what Kain would want to do or be, but his father thought different he would make Kain the best thousand know to the numbers. Kain open his eyes seeing white walls and white tables his blue eyes looked up at the other thousands in the cafeteria. He turned to his friend that was besides him "Pen...I have to go down to the lab and do something's I am sorry maybe we can hang out another time" he said. She looked up at him "whatever Kain just remember what you have to do get me some chemicals" she said pushing her glass up. "Remember the ones and zeroes are coming in to clean up so watch for your money" she said. As she went back to eating her colored cubed food that tasted like anything you wanted it to be. The white doors soon opened up and a black zero walked inside with a bin in dirty clothes, sometimes zeros where allowed to come in and clean up the thousands homes , schools anything thousands wanted. Kain looked at the zero and the thousands started to laugh and chuckled as one of the girls pushed her food down on the floor. "Umm hey zero I think you need to clean this up" she said as she laughed little bit. The zero glared "of course miss" he said as he walked over bending down and started to pick the food up before the girl dumped the rest of her food on the zero, laughter rang out throw the cafeteria. Kain got up and walked over "hey Betty you don't have to do that why don't you just eat your food" he said. The zero looked at him "I don't need your help" he said as he keep cleaning the mess up before he walked away. He sigh softly before Betty stood up "watch yourself Kain or your daddy will have to get you in the lab and inject you with some chemicals to act more like thousand" she said as she bumped into him and walked away.

Kain looked back at the zero and frowned as he walked out of the cafeteria. When school ended he made his way to the major labs and he walked over to the chemical room and he looked throw some of the bottles and he saw some of the chemicals Pen needed. He then grabbed it shoving it into his bag quickly before he backed up and he started to walk out of the lab and slowly left the labs. As he made his way home he saw hundreds walking around and some ones hanging around in white witch was kinda strange to see zeros in white. He saw them enter the lab and he thought nothing of it as he walked to Pen house, he slowly walked inside and up to her room and he smiled "hey I got you the chemicals" he said as he started places them down gently. Pen soon stood up and smiled "thank you Kain" she said as she kissed his cheek nervously. He bit his lip "no problem Pen I have to head home I will see you soon" he said.

Pen looked at him and grabbed his hand kissing him softly "thanks" she said as she keep trying to kiss him. Before Kain pulled away "Pen you know I love you but I don't like or love you like that.... I am sorry" he said.  She nodded "get out" she said "I am sorry please Pen" "GET OUT" she yelled. Kain walked out and he head home, when he got home he saw the lights where off and he slowly got undressed. He saw the lights in his dad office and he walked to the bathroom and he washed his face and pulling on long sleeve and pants before he walked his dads offices hearing his dad. "Kain is not getting better we have to take him out a thousand shouldn't be caring towards zeros or ones" he said. Kain frowned back up little bit embarrassed and slightly scared to hear what his father would do to him. "Look I will take care of him and no he doesn't know about the chips we are putting into zeros and ones....when we get the chips in it will make us even more rich" he said. Kadin eyes widen and he saw his dad holding the chip "Yes I have the chip and no it will work only infinities cant be effected and infinities haven't been around and years" he said. Kain frowned as he started to step back before the floor creaked "I have to go" his father said as he got off the phone before he went over to the door. His eyes widen as he jumped into closer and closed it watching his dad sigh "Hello" he said as he walked down the hall "Kain you home" he said grabbing needle. He watched as his dad walk downstairs the small sound of his fathers feet walking around downstairs. Kain soon got out of the closet and ran into the office.

As he got into the office he looked at the box with the chip inside of it he went to grab it before his eyes almost turned white he shook his head. Hearing his fathers feet started to get closer he grabbed rag and wrapped the chip before hiding it and he ran to downstairs and he saw his father in the kitchen. Before he got his boots on grabbing his bag throwing what ever he could in the small bag before he put the chip in the bag before he open the door and he heard his father. "Kain there you are where are you going" he said as he walked over hiding the needle , "I am going to see Pen" he said. His father looked at him "oh really well goodbye" he said as he walked over before he tried to lung at him and stab him with the needle. Kain kneed his dad before he saw his dad groan and stabbed him he groaned before he punched his dad and pulled the needle out soon stabbing his dad with the needle and injecting him with the needle. Kain heard his dad but it was just mumbles to him as he open the door and stumbled out of the house. Kain ran as fast as he could down the street falling seeing the cops and he shook his head.

His eyes were going white he shook his head and keep running getting to the edge of the thousands area. He heard the cops he groaned before he tired to get down to the park before his legs gave out and he rolled down the stairs. When he got to the end the stairs he looked around seeing flashes of the chips being made. "No" he said seeing the cops he shook his head as he got up and ran into the park and into the hundreds and ones house and apartments. As he ran he went down a alley way he leaned against the wall. Before his eyes rolled back and his eyes turned white as he hit the floor.

(First chapter hope you enjoy )

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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