Chapter 1: It's A Requirement

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Chapter 1 | It's A Requirement

Valerie's POV

It was morning. I was watching TV while eating a bowl of cereal. I was happily enjoying my daily dose of Tom & Jerry until a special message interrupted my favorite cartoon show. I groaned in irritation. I was tempted to change the channel but I ended up watching it just in case it was an emergency announcement to the public.

"Good morning, Purdania!" The news reporter cheerfully exclaimed, "Today we interrupt your program to announce some very exciting news."

The scene on my TV screen showed Bayland. Then the front of the castle, Baycastle.

Just in case you were wondering, Bayland is the capital of Purdania. It is where most of the aristocrats and elite people lived. No one is allowed to live in the castle except for royalty. The rest of the people who lived in the capital of Purdania were rich bastards.

The scene soon changed back to the reporter, "The Prince is looking for a bride!" She squealed then cleared her throat. I snickered at her for forgetting that she was on duty and on air. She composed herself and continued, "Unfortunately for Prince William, he could no longer marry a royal due for reasons they have not announced yet. Apparently, he is left with no other choice but to marry a commoner."

I scoffed. It annoyed me when elite socialites would call us 'commoners'. Seriously, who do they think they are? They're human beings just like us. There's no need in labelling us to commoners. We're all the same no matter what gender, size, color, or amount of money earned. We all should treat each other equally. It just annoys me that most of the people in this stupid country worships all the wealthy idiots in Bayland. It's not like they could shὶt gold out of their asṣes.

"All single females aged eighteen to-"

I switched off the television. I really couldn't be bothered listening to that. I don't care about the Prince. I've seen him many times on the news before. He's just like the rest of the loaded people in Bayland but worse. Worse because he's the richest, arrogant asṣhole alive and he always gets himself in trouble. I took my empty bowl to the sink and rinsed it before leaving for school.


I walked through the school doors and noticed that the students were noisier than usual. By students, I meant all the female students. I ambled my way through the hallways until I caught sight of two of my best friends standing by my locker. A huge grin was plastered on each of their faces.

Why do I have a feeling that this isn't going to be good?

"Hey Val! Guess what?" They both said in unison.

Oh, did I tell you that two of my best friends are identical twins? Well, almost identical. One of them dyed their hair blonde so people could tell them apart.

"What?" I sighed.

"Guess!" They exclaimed completely ignoring my lack of enthusiasm to know what they wanted to talk about.

"Hmm, did Lil get another A on her Maths test?"


"Okay, did Johnny made out with you again?" I pointed to Kat.

"Yes. No! I mean, yes. But that's not it!" She answered.

"How about you stop guessing and we'll just tell you the wonderful news!" Lil chirped.

They seem so happy. To be honest, it's not unusual to see them happy. It's just that they're happier than usual. I wonder what could have made them-

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