task 7 selected ! New year's planning

42 3 12

Dear selected this is the 7th task in this task you shall be planning a new year's party .me and the rest of the royals shall be looking over each of the parties you will all be devidded into different groups and with your group you shall plan a party

The groups will contain from 2 to 3 people I dislike doing big groups because then people feel left out of their ideas are not heard so I'll,be checking that everyone cooperates

Aswell each and every single person must incorporate that is used in the creating of the party

These are the items I shall be looking for when you tag me and the rest of the royals in the pictures
Choose one person to save the pictures and to post them so I and the rest of the royals shall see them then I'll repost them so everyone sees the different paries

the royals please pm so I know which party you like the best

The items you must have

🔵Center pieces
🔵food and drinks
⚫outsits that the party planners shall be wearing to be different them the rest ((they doing have to be the same but the same color and accessories with it the same
🔵where it'll be
⚫what time it'll be

That is it if you wish to be with someone in specific tell me now before I team you up

And my selected i,volved to help as well

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