Chapter Four

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A tired yawn escaped the lips of Ethan. The whole night, he watched the carved ceiling, hoping the sun would soon come. Sleeping was hard as all he wanted to do was hold his mate in his arms. But he knew he had to take things slow. He was more than glad to have her asleep and safe in his palace.

Yesterday's event brought pain to his heart. He promised to never let sadness make its way to her heart ever again.

If he only fixed the matters soon enough, then her mate's family would still be alive. She wouldn't be in so much pain right now.

The King sat up, remembering the promise he made yesterday. A fresh set of clothes sat on one of the chairs. He decided to soak in warm water first before meeting his mate.


Ethan smile, seeing a Goddess before him. Fewer skin was shown as the long sleeved dress flow down to her feet, leaving her pale shoulders bare. A golden piece of silk wrapped around her waist. Her wavy, long hair flowed down to her chest and back, acting as a curtain.

Elena bowed in respect, the smile that appeared once Ethan showed up never leaving her face.

'You look lovely,' The king complimented, trying to keep his hands to himself.

'Good morning, my King.'

The King smiled at her mate, offering his hand to be taken. He hummed as she took his hand, loving the feeling of the contact. He took her through hallways while he watched her studied every inch of the palace. Her eyes shone in wonder.

'I'll show you around after breakfast.' The King promised, making his mate smiled. He, too, smiled. The mood that his mate presented somehow affected him too. And the way she gracefully acted and spoke, she was meant to be a queen.

The two entered through the tall double doors, the long glass table was in the middle of the dining room. His parents already sat there, and to his surprise, so was his brother, Marcus.

'Marcus, lovely for you to join us.' The King said as they neared the table, Elena's hand still in his. 'When did you arrived?'

Ethan pulled the chair for Elena, then sat beside her at the end of the table. He could feel his brother watch them with a smirk.

'Oh, you know, about an hour or two ago.'  He then bobbed his head to Elena, 'glad to have you here. It is a pleasure to meet you.'

Elena gave the brother a smile, 'the pleasure is mine.'

The maids then entered the room, bringing food for the pair, since the others already had theirs on the table. Everyone ate in a peaceful silence, but the King did saw Elena's discomfort.

'Elena, dear. Mind I ask, but what is it you do in your village?' The King's mother asked. For a small tribe, they were far behind the economy. Tribes tend to have no leader and they were more open to attacks. They were seen, if not last, at the bottom of the rank. But tribes had their own virtue, that was why the palace always search the tribes for people when they were in need of more men.

Ethan saw the question as rude, but Elena, on the other hand, answered with no offence taken. 'I help teach children, my Lady.'

The former Queen sighed, 'what did I expect from a small village?'

'For Goddess' sake, Marilyn. The girl is still mourning. Besides, everyone started from the bottom.' Ethan chuckled at his father's words, remembering that his mother was, too, a normal wolf in a well-known pack. But then she became the Queen, leading with a King in an era that would be written for the far future to read.

The former queen only laughed. 'Well, she is going to experience what I've been through. The path to being a Queen is hard, honey. All these stuff that you need to learn, it's honestly a lot.'

'She's halfway there,' the King's father commented, indicating the correct manner Elena was holding her utensils. 'You will do a fine job, I can see it.'

Ethan smiled seeing her cheeks reddened at his father's comment. She was going to be a great Queen. His Queen.



The pressure lifted from her shoulders as she exited the dining room with her hand wrapped inside the King's. Dining with the royals has never even crossed her mind.

'The palace is huge. I don't think I can even find my way out,' Elena commented as she looked at the library in awe. The large number of books could never compare to her village hut where a couple of shelves stood.

'Don't worry, it won't take long until you can navigate the place.' The King reassured as he showed her other various rooms.

Once they step foot outside the palace, Elena inhaled the fresh scent of grass. She stood in awe, as flowers of a different kind surrounded her. The garden was large, and it was filled with plants she only saw in books.

'Beautiful, isn't it? It's my favourite place in the palace.' The King said as he watched his mate intently.

'I can see why.'

He reached out to tuck her hair behind her ears, smiling as Elena's focus turn to him. 'I'm glad I finally found you. You're beautiful.'

Elena blushed at his words, looking him straight in the eyes. 'I don't know what to say or do. I have never thought of speaking with the king.'

'Now you have a lifetime chance to.'

She smiled, different from her normal small smiles, but a big smile that showed happiness and possibly, love. 'Now I have.'

Elena felt protected and secure when her mate wrapped his arms around her. Her head on his chest, his scent was stronger than any flowers in the garden. Right now, the person who stood beside her wasn't the king, but her mate. Her destined half.

'This is your home now.' She felt his chest vibrate as he said those words.

'Can I say farewell to my hometown first?' She adjusted herself from his hold so that she was looking at him, hands on his chest. His vibrant eyes showed various sorts of emotions, but they glistened under the sunlight.

'Of course, but after the marking ceremony. I can't have you walking out of the palace without bearing my mark.' He looked at Elena, searching for any kind of emotions. 'We'll take things slow, move the schedule of the ceremony, and if you insist, visit your home but you'll be heavily guarded.'

Elena smiled. He was thoughtful, unlike the stories she heard. Alphas were possessive to the point they wouldn't let their Lunas out of their sight. But her mate, a king, he was patient. 'Mark me, my King. I am yours.'

The King was shocked at her words, but his wide smile told Elena he was more than satisfied with what she said. 'Mine.' He growled lowly as his hold tighten, inhaling her scent.

Elena closed her eyes, loving the contact. The world felt still, and for a moment, the thought of having a life, a place to call home crossed her mind. This was her new start, a new life.


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