T12DP- commas

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As I was reading the 12 dancing princesses, I noticed the excessive amounts of commas just EVERYWHERE

As a grammar tidy wannabe person, I freaked! But guess who's too lazy to correct all those errors? ME!

Yes, me! I feel something (idk what feeling but it might not be a good one) that y'all readers willingly chose to spend time reading all those sentences and dialogues full of ,,,,,,,,,,,,,'s never ending. Like, I'm, sorry, but, I hate that the cha4acters, talk like this, and, they, don't, even have to. Cause like, when I read, I pause a little, at the commas, Beccause, that's, what I learned, commas were, used for.

So yeah, sorry about, the excessive, commas, and, I will, try, to be, aware, of them, in future, chapte4s.

I might go back and edit more, but right now I'm just focused on moving ahead.
Leaving the cringiness behind for now, I guess. BUT.... more cringiness to follow, I tell ya! K thanks!

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