The Secret's Out{Part One}

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There she was. Alone on Friday night. Beck had a play to rehearse for and wouldn't come over till 8. She was on the phone talking with Cat while she was rambling on and on about how she seen this pink unicorn at the store but didn't have enough money to buy it so she drew it at home and hung it on her wall. Jade was getting extremely bored and started to dose off as she talked about how she named him Sir-Pinks-A Lot.

"So did you write in your diary?"

Jade opened her eyes.


"Your diary. Have you written in it yet?"

Jade looked over at the black diary that said JADE in red cursive writing that sat on her black wooden nightstand.

"Um. Not yet"

"Okay. Well you can write all your secrets in there!"

"I don't have secrets"

Lies. Jade had secrets. But she never told a soul. Not even Beck. She only told Beck the small secrets she didn't care about. Most people would think her secrets are creepy and might think she's psychotic which people already think she is but she has one secret she hates the most. She wants to tell someone but she doesn't know who she can trust. She would tell Cat but she would blabber it the very next day. She would tell Tori but she just plain hated her. She definitely couldn't tell Beck.She doesn't know what he'll think of her. She would tell Andre or Robbie but since they were friends with Beck they would probably slip up and tell him. So maybe writing in this diary would be the best choice. But that wasn't Jade West.

"Oh come on! Everyone has secrets"

"Not me"

"Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me"

"Cat I don't have a secret"

"Yes you do!Your secret is that you don't want anybody to find out your secrets!"

"Oh my god Cat no I don't have any secrets!"

She just giggled.

"Okay. I won't tell anyone"

"Whatever Cat"

"Go write in your diary okay?"

"Don't tell me what to do"

Still, she just giggled

"Bye Jadey!"

"Yeah don't call me that"

Jade pressed the red call button and threw her phone next to her on the bed. She looked over at the diary sitting lonley in her nightstand.



Jade rolled her eyes as she walked into Sikowitz's classroom, Cat strolling in behind her.


"Leave me alone Cat!"



"Pleeeasey please?"

"Cat. I'm telling you. I don't have secrets"

Jade took her seat next to Beck while Cat sat next Tori

"Everyone has secrets"

"Not me"

Tori butted in.

"Everyone has secrets Jade"

"Yeah who asked you?"

"I'm just agreeing with Cat"

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