Chapter 2- Prison to Palace

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In life the people who God favoured the most was the ones who had the hardest trials, truth be told he gives the ones he favoured the most hardest trials because they are the ones who would bring his words to people in nourishment of food!.

The Prison is cold, depressing and you feel locked up, the truth be told it prepares you so you will know what to do when you reach the palace, suppose a prophet was to tell you, " Suzy God says you will be the Manager of Scotia Bank!", you would get excited and you would boast, 2 years going on and you are still an accountant, God works in his own time, not your time, not when you want it, but when he wants it!.

So when Joseph had gotten his dream, you thought he would be King right ? His dream brought jealously from his brothers, threw him into a pit and took him to Egypt, God's calling was in Egypt at the right time even though he was thrown into prison, Joseph had a steadfast faith in God, so when God called him to the Palace he was prepared spiritually and was subservient.

Remember that you have to go through trials to get from the Prison  to the palace.

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