caffeine low

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don't dilute yourself
when some people can't take your witty jokes
or your extravagant personality
or the way you get extra loud when you're excited
how your laughter tosses your head back unwillingly
how you feel childish sometimes
or the way you never accept defeat on games
don't lower the strength of your character
for people that can't take the corporeal reality that embodiments who you are
just because someone doesn't like strong coffee, doesn't mean you have to pour milk to dilute your persona.
some people like their coffee plain black.
find them.
i diluted myself for you
the cup was never half full with you
and honestly
i'm sorry i wasn't what you needed
but in the vain attempt to be just that
i confused who i am with who i tried to be for you
i hope you find a person that's just like you need
for i wish you only the best.
i'm my own coffee, and i'm going back to black.

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