Different Types of Awards

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Although the official title of the award, the Dragon Award, will not change, there are different categories that you could recieve the award in.

🎈The Dragon Award for Plot🎈

The award for the strongest plot in the genre.
The plot of this book can be unexpected, sad,
and overall wonderfully original.

🎁The Dragon Award for Writing🎁

The award for the strongest writing in the genre.
The writing of this book creates beautiful imagery.

💍The Dragon Award for Strong Cliches💍

The award for the book that follows a cliche,
but executes it beautifully and originally
through the plot and characters.

💄The Dragon Award for Unexpected Outcomes💄

The award for the book that seems to follow a cliche
or a predictable storyline,
but delivers a twist and follows its own path.
The writing of this story is unexpected, well-executed,
and original.

I wanted to do this as an award for every genre, but it didn't quite seem to make sense. So, here's an award exclusive to poetry contestants!

✏️The Dragon Award for Style and Structure✏️

The award for the most impactful style and structure of a poem,
one that conveys inordinate emotion
through word choice alone,
Even if the message is left for the reader to determine.

I also realized that most books in the 'random' genre aren't writing, they're art or graphics. So I made an award for that, too.

🍄The Dragon Award for Beauty🍄

The award for the book that has beautiful
graphics, drawings, or any works of
visual art. This book is truly an inspiration
despite its lack of words.

Lastly, there's the award in every genre that will be very hard to pick the winner of.

⭐️The Dragon Award for [genre]⭐️

This is the award given to what I and the judges believe is the best book in the entire genre based on theme, writing style, and any other variables we believe make it worthy of an award. Considering I myself am bad at choosing, this will be rather hard, especially since there's a Dragon Award for every genre.

Anyway, I'll have a list of judges and contestants in the next chapter! PM me if you have any auestions, or just leave a comment. Don't forget to share this with as many people as you can!

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