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He is perfection. There is nothing in this dull world that I love and cherish more than him. His silver hair, silver-blue eyes, pale silver-white skin. He is all I desire.

My favorite colour is silver. It wasn't before. I had nothing before.

I love the way his silver hair flows. It's long. So long that it drapes across the floor, trailing after him as he walks. He puts it up in a ponytail held together by a silver and black hair pin. It still falls onto the floor. I tell him he should take better care of his hair so it doesn't become ruined, but he just smiles at me.

"I like it this way," he replies and gazes at it fondly.

Despite saying that, he listens to me and drapes it over his arm so it doesn't drag.

It's soft. Like a fur coat. I love running my fingers through it and I love the way he purrs when I do that.

When he lays down, his hair surrounds him and lays across his chest. His robes flair out around him as well. He looks too perfect for this world. Like a being from the heavens.

His eyes are so beautiful. They are silver and blue. So cold, yet so comforting. So sad. I see it in his eyes. How sad he is. How he hurts. It pains me to see him as such. He tries to be strong, but I see it. I see him waver sometimes. When he stands by the pond, or when he looks over the balcony, or when watching the forest on the cliff of the mountain.

I want to help. I tried to help. He just won't let me. Please don't push me away. Don't leave me. You're all I have. I live for you. No. Don't make me. I don't wanna promise.


No matter what happens, I'll stay here. Even if you die, I'll protect all that you cherish. I promise.

His eyes are the light of my world. They were the first thing I saw that wasn't the darkness. The empty hole. Pitch black.

I wish I could stare into them forever.

His skin is pale and smooth and glows in a way that makes it look silvery. It's almost godlike. It's like marble. A cold statue. Perfect.

But it's stained. It's my fault. I changed it. Everything. I brought this upon him. It's all my fault. I knew I was wrong. I was a bad omen. Coming from the dark world that is nothing, but a pool of black. My hair, my nails, black. My skin, white. I was wrong. Everything about me is wrong. All I brought was dark times.

Now he's suffering. He's in trouble. I caused this! I ruined him. It's red! It's all red! Everything is red! His skin, his hair, his robes. His eyes, they aren't opening! Please! Wake up! Stay Awake! Don't go to sleep! Don't leave me alone!

The floor is dripping. I don't understand. Why is there a pool here? Where did this water come from? Was water always red? Why is he sleeping in this pool? I should get him out before he catches a cold. Don't want him getting sick.

I pick him up and lay him on the bed.

My hands. They're red. It's not coming off. I thought water ran off the skin. Why...?

I don't wanna know! I don't wanna remember! It's my fault! I should die. I killed him! What did I do? How did this happen? We were happy. We have a good life. Nothing is wrong. He took me home and now we're safe. He saved me from the dark. He's showing me how to live. I never learned anything before. I just slept all the time before. Now, I can do a thing called running, and I can also walk. He gave me a thing called a name. He calls me Liang.

I love him.

I killed him.

I owe everything to him.

I wanted him.

I got him.

I still love him.


He said it wasn't my fault. That he was going to be killed and he just wanted to save me because he couldn't bear to leave me there.

It's still my fault.

I couldn't save him.

I'll stay here. Like I promised. And watch over everything that he cherished.

I'll wait for him to return.

I want to stay by his side forever.

I love him.

So, for him, I'll wait.

When he comes back, in a new form, in a new life, I'll be here.

I'll welcome him home with arms open wide, tears rolling down my face because my wait will finally be over.

We will be together again.

I love him.

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