Thirty-Five - Tombs

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"Ready?" Rick asked us, preparing to open the gate for us to dive in and kill the walkers. I pull my katana off of my back and nodded to Rick. He looked to the rest of the group, who nodded before he opened the gate. We rushed in, killing walkers as we went. But we came to one problem, there were three with guard armor on, which stopped us from closing the gate for a moment before Rick ran past them and locked the second gate.

"Look," Maggie said once she managed to kill one of them with her knife. I took a swing at one of them, cutting the head clean off before stabbing the back of its head.

I glance around at the group. "Now move in huh?" I asked as we moved in to find a cell block. That was easy to find. Cell Block C was the first one we found and cleared, all the others being dead in their cells.

Once we cleared it and removed the bodies we got the group in the cell block. "Home sweet home," I said to the group as I took my backpack from Carol and went up the stairs to the cell that I had claimed to be mine. Daryl took the perch, refusing to sleep in a cell of any kind. I chuckled and walked into the cell, knowing that this was just going to be where my stuff was gonna sit as I was gonna sleep out there with Daryl.

I put the bag by the cell door as I flopped down on the bottom bunk of the bed. It only took footsteps for me to look to the cell door. Daryl walked in, giving me a smile as he laughed a bit. "Comfortable?" He asked me, sitting on the bottom bunk as I sat up. "C'me 'ere," Daryl said, and I looked to him as he gently took off my jacket and glided his hands over my scar covered back.

A shiver of both fear and lust ran through me. "What are you doing?" I asked, looking to him, though his gaze was on my back at the moment.

"Lookin' for scratches," Daryl said before looking up to meet my eyes. We fell silent for a moment, looking into each other's blue eyes.

Smirking a bit, Daryl reached his right hand up and pulled me in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck slowly as he did to my waist. Smiling into the kiss, Daryl pulled me by my waist so I was sitting on his lap and deepened the kiss.

He pulled back, setting his forehead against mine. My eyes fluttered open as I met Daryl's blue eyes already looking at me. The kiss got heated and I pushed him back onto the bed, still sitting on his lap. I pulled back and we were both out of breath.

It only took the yell of Glenn to snap us out of our little session. Smirking a bit, I leaned down and pecked Daryl's lips before getting off his lap and pulling him to his feet as we walked out of my cell.


We've had good plans of protection before but the body armor by far is the best. Granted I'm only rocking the riot gloves. "Easy," I muttered, steadying Glenn as he almost tripped over a dead body in the hallway. I've come to call these the tombs based on the number of bodies that litter the place.

Glenn gave me a smile and shook the can of spray paint before spraying an arrow that pointed to the way we came so we could find our way back. "How much longer you thinkin'?" I heard Daryl ask Rick as we walked.

It was me, Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, T-Dog, and Herschel in the tombs, clearing it out as much as we could. Rick was silent for a moment as we turned a corner and saw nothing. "Just a bit longer, then we'll head back and start again tomorrow," Rick said as we reached another corner.

The only thing different was when we turned this corner we were face to face with a group of walkers. "Go back!" Glenn yelled, his panicked voice echoed through the tombs as we all spun around and took off back, looking for an escape route to get out of sight.

At one moment I was running at Daryl's side, and the next I was being yanked by Maggie down a hallway as we were cut off from the rest. We darted into a closet of sorts and closed the door. Our rapid breathing could be heard as I gripped my rifle tighter in my hands. The room was lit up by the flashlight that I held in my left hand. "Shit." I huffed out, feeling myself panic as it was just the two of us and we didn't know if the others were okay.

We didn't know if T-dog or my practical brother or my boyfriend were alive nor did we know if Maggie's dad or her boyfriend were alive. "Come on." She said after about two minutes and got up, opening the door.

We walked back the way we came. I kept my arm up and straight ahead just in case. I occasionally looked behind us, making sure nothing was sneaking up on us. "Rick," I whisper called, the sound bounced around all through the tombs.

We heard one of them call Maggie before a scream of pure pain could be heard. We took one glance at each other before running in that direction. We rounded the corner to find Herschel, getting pulled away from a walker, who was dead and looked to have just taken a chunk out of his leg.

Glenn rushed to Maggie's side while I rushed to help T with a set of doors that were chained up. Once we got the chain off we helped get Herschel in as the group of walkers had found us.

T closed the door once we all were in and held it closed while we rushed Herschel onto the floor. Maggie was crying and was panicked, I had no idea what to do and was panicking a bit. Rick pulled out his machete and took off his belt, tying it around Herschel's leg, just above the knee. Looking away for a moment, I heard Rick grunt as he swung the machete into Herschel's leg. After maybe three more it came off and I looked back, pulling off the leg before helping put pressure on it.

It only took Daryl's whistle to get my attention from the leg. Maggie took over as I looked to where Daryl was looking to see a group of four people in prison jumpsuits.

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