I was tagged..

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Tagged by Inkwell13

Tagged by Inkwell13

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1. Yes... heheh

2. I doubt it

3. I'd rather not say

4. Single

5. Mitten and Petal ( #pittenforever from inwell13's alone)

6. My friend who doesn't have Wattpad..

7. Little Girl by Faith Marie (I think..)

8. ( Lol this is so random) 46%

9. My friends budgie :D

 My friends budgie :D

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10. I remember a friend talking about it, and plus I was searching for Warriors fanfics, and began to write. :3

11. Sept. 18 (I'd rather not say the year)

12. (I don't know that many people XD) (And my tags are not working X3, so I'll just mention them..)



(That's all the people I know that haven't been tagged X3 )

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