Being The Gang's Little Sister (headcannon)

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-You're younger than Ponyboy (shoutout to all the people in the fandom younger than 14)
-They are very protective (Especially Darry)
-Two-bit picks you up from school
-On your birthday Dallas gave you a leather jacket, but you didn't know who gave it to you because it was anonymous
-Steve tries to teach you how to fix cars but he can't explain it but he can show you how to do it
-When you were younger, you spent so much time with Mrs. Curtis,  her attitude and personality traits made its way to you
-Johnny was really close to you when you were younger, he used to do everything with you until Mrs. and Mr. Curtis died, he drifted away from you because you acted so much like Mrs. Curtis, it hurts him
-Ponyboy sleeps in your room sometimes
-Darry is more protective over you than anybody else, he tries to let you be independent, he doesn't want ANYBODY (when I mean anybody, I mean anybody) to hurt you
-Two-Bit makes you laugh with his jokes. He convinced you to try some beer and chocolate cake, but Darry didn't let that happen
-Sodapop bought you a bike with his money so when Two-Bit forgets to pick you (probs because he was drunk) you can bike back home so the Socs won't hurt you
-Dallas eventually teaches you how to fight.
-The gang will NEVER let you fight in the rumble
-If you shed one tear, the gang will gang up on anybody that ganged up you (gang gang gang gang)
-You cuddle with Two-Bit sometimes and have fun with his sister two
-(if you ain't straight) You have a crush on Angela Shepard. Only Ponyboy and Two-Bit knows about it

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