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I kiss Finn on the cheek and let him go.
"It's going to be okay." I tell him.
What if he's right? What if Ellie doesn't agree, and she tells everyone? No, that won't happen. I'll come up with something in return..

"Jack?" I snap out of my daze.
"Uh yeah?"

"She's here." Finn says.

We walk down the stairs, and to the front door. "I swear if this ends badly, Jack."
"Shh! It won't."

I open the door, revealing Ellie, standing on our porch.
"Heello" she says.

"Yeah, hi. Okay come in." I say.
I let her in and we run upstairs into my room.
"Wow I can't believe I'm in Jack Dylan Grazers room!" Ellie says.

"Haha, okay so let's get to the point. This is very serious. If you don't agree then... Well.. Don't tell anyone.."

"Wait what's this about?"

"Well me and Finn have a huge secret, and we want you in on it."

"Oh wow! Okay what is it? I promise I won't tell."

"Like I said this is very serious and you really cannot tell anyone."

"Okay okay."

Finn and I sit down on the bed. I point to a my desk chair in the corner for her to sit in. "You might want to sit, there is a lot to explain." I say.

"Oh, okay." She says. I look over at Finn. He looks so nervous. I kinda feel bad. I wish that people would just accept us for who we are, then we wouldn't even need Ellie.

"So... Me and Finn are dating.." I say. She covers her mouth with her hand. "What? Is this really a shock to you?" I say, annoyed. "Oh, no! No, no, no! I just wasn't expecting that to be honest.." She replies. "Wait, why do you need me then?"

"We need you to be a cover up. Like, uh.. You pretend to date me, so people won't think that I'm dating Finn."

"Well what do I get out of this?"

"You get to fake date me."

"Seriously, I'm not doing this for free."

Wow I didn't think that she'd be this rude what?

"Uhh, well... If you date me and people know about it then you'll get more followers!"


"Well more followers means more fame, more fame means more sponsors , more sponsors means more money. That good enough?"

"Okay deal. So how's this going to work?"

"Well we are going to post some pictures on Instagram of us hanging out first. Once people start to think we are dating then, we announce that we are. That sound good?"

"Yep. Let's take a few pictures right now. I'll post one." She says.

"Hey, Finn can you take some pics?" I ask.

"Um.. Yeah sure I guess."  Ellie hands him her phone and Finn takes some pics of me and Ellie hugging. "There. I took four."

"Okay thanks, finnie." I say then kiss him on the cheek. "Okay so Ellie you post those or whatever. I'll repost them." I say. "Remember, you cannot breathe a word of what we are doing. This is between the three of us."

"Got it." She says. "Okay it's getting late, I have to go. Well need to hangout sometime to get more photos."

"Ya." I say. "Bye."

Once I watch Ellie leave, I go back to my room to see Finn laying on my bed.

"That went pretty good!" I say.

"I guess, I still don't feel well about this, Jack." He says.

"Finnnnn! It's okay! We're good! She agreed so that means we will be totally fine!"

"I have a bad feeling. As soon as you mentioned us dating she got rude."

"Yeah I noticed that."

"And you didn't think anything of it??"

"Hey, she was probably just jealous because you get me all for yourself."
I say. Finn giggles. "That's true."
I look at his cute features. His freckles, his dark brown eyes, his dark curly hair, I love him so much. I put my hand  in his hair. "I love you, Finn." I say. His cheeks turn red almost instantly. He smiles and replies, "I love you, too." He sits up, and pulls me into a kiss. We pull away, "I hope this goes well."

"Me too."

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