The Astral Plane

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I've always been uncanny and laconic as a child. People would talk to me and I would always speak in an aphoristic manner. I was stern and people in school started to think I was peculiar and utterly enigmatic. Yet it doesn't seem to bother me for I know they do not understand. I myself doesn't.

I have a different perspective of the world.

In my mind and in my eyes everything looked different.

Every night I would go to different dimensions and fly around.

Everything in here is possible as long as you can visualize it. Every night I would go here and depict beautiful, pleasant things then I got older and older....

I started to tesselate those pleasant things into disenchanted, macabre and blood curdling chimeras!

Not knowing what I was getting myself into.

It haunt me.

Sometimes I couldn't get back to my body. I would wait for hours. Suddenly there was a horrible creature in my room. this is the first time I saw this creature and it was just staring at me with it's evil grin and gleaming eyes. Sitting just right there beside my body as if it was waiting for something, but I have no Idea what it was.

I woke up in my solitary room alleviated that it was finally gone or so I thought it was...

Few days have past and I was on my way to school, I saw things, it doesn't look normal. It was abherant and paranormal looking things...

I thought i was just hallucinating so I didn't mind it.

It wouldn't stop! I...I think I lost it!

I started screaming and moved my feet and arms around as if I was fighting someone. Everyone in the room was horrified and utterly shocked. They didn't know just how turbulent I could be.

The teachers called my parents.

I was sent home.

That night I couldn't sleep. I was tremulous and my eyes were teary.

My mom went in my room.

Victoria go to sleep! I dashed to her and embraced her. Mom don't leave me it's haunting me incessantly! I said. My voice shaking. Victoria I know you just had a bad day but you will be okay I promise.

She left.

It's 4:30 am

No matter how lethargic I was feeling I wouldn't rest and I won't close my eyes.

I was too horrified to even blink!

I looked at my wall clock

5:00 am or is it 5:55? i'm starting to see double!

Left with no other choice I laggardly closed my eyes terrified it would come back.

And to my horror it did!

There it was again staring at me with it's big black gleaming eyes and it's evil grin.

I never noticed how huge it was before.

It was moving slowly towards me.

Not walking nor's like

It was laggardly limbering with it's body! stopped.

Alleviated I kept walking to see if I could wake up then I turned back again just to see if it was still there.

It was gone.

I was horrified and alleviated at the same time since it could be anywhere.

I faced front and there it was facing me. In front of me and it was still grinning but now even bigger it's bloodcurdling sharp teeth as if it has just eaten it's prey.

Tremulous I froze hoping I could wake up.....

I never did.

My mother went up to my room that morning to check up on me and was quite suspicious when she saw my tranquil, emaciated and pallid looking body.

She let it pass since it was just 7:00 am and I might just be asleep.

Hours pass and my mother came back to my room but I was still in the same position.

Inanimate and now more pallid.

My solicitous mother called the ambulance and they had arrived briskly.

While in the ambulance my mother had a rattling fear that I was dead and regretting not listening to me earlier.

She was worried to the extent it's apparent.

My body was put on the hospital bed.

I gazed at my mother's eyes and I could see the pain and sympathy as a tear starts to fall unto her eyes and laggardly go down her face.

This continued for hours until my father came to pick her up.

Days had passed and I was just here observing my lifeless body not fully aware of the situation, I was vacuous.

Some days I would try to get back to my body and it would not work so I just travel around trying to find ways on how to get back to reality.

All of a sudden I fell into a deep sleep and woke up years later.

This was the time where I knew everything.

Everyone thought I was in a coma! since that was what the Dr. Said. I'm not in a coma!

Oh how could I had let this happen I've been asleep for years.

I went back to my hospital room just to see all my relatives in there.

Curious I was and tried to observe the situation.

They were all sympathizing and crying as if someone had died but I wasn't dead I'm here. I love my parents and I miss them to the uttermost extent so I tried to get back to my body again this time I tried harder.

I was astonished for I had come back I could feel my hands and feet! Although it's very hard to move since my body hasn't move for years.

I tried opening my eyes when I felt the things connected to my body were being removed.

My oxygen was off and I couldn't breath.

My eyes opened up a bit and Tears were blocking my view.

All I could see were my parents crying and laggardly leaving the room.

I tried to reach out to them but I was extremely emaciated and running out of air.

My last words were " I Love You" as a tear starts to run down my face my soul drifted and I was horrified for I knew I would spent my eternity in the astral plane forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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