Chapter One

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Just like any Saturday, I got out of bed feeling great. "No school" I thought cheerfully. "No teachers. No thinking". I pulled on my favourite, yet casual, blue jeans and slipped on a stripped shirt the colour of a leafy green and a midnight black. "Today is going to be a good day" I thought running down the stairs, through the hall and into the kitchen. "What should I eat today?" I asked myself. I could finally take my time to choose what to eat instead of stuffing myself with some random crap and running to catch the annoying, bright yellow school bus. "I hate that thing" I always tell myself. But I had no choice. I couldn't just walk to school. I guess those things were practical, but I still hated those machines. They always ruin my morning. "Cereal." I told myself. "Fruit Loops or Frosted Flakes?...or maybe Captain Crunch...yeah definitely Captain Crunch." I grabbed my bowl, a silver spoon, since I hate using plastic utensils and shook the cereal box until the beautiful sound of cereal hitting the glass bowl ringed in my ear. "Hmm...What am I missing?" I asked myself once more. "Oh yes, the milk." I couldn't have normal milk like any other boy. I had to drink lactose-free milk. Why? Well, because I've been cursed with lactose intolerance! It still frustrates me to this day and no one seems to understand what it is! "Is it a disease...a allergy?" asked the kids at school; and I would always reply with either: "no", "", or "definitely not."

I grabbed some almond milk and poured it into my bowl of cereal. I could just hear the cereal crackling away once the liquid touched. Still frustrated at the fact that a 15 year old teenager like me couldn't digest milk and many other dairy products, I angrily plopped myself down on the couch with my breakfast and the remote control for the tv in my hands. The anger soon went away after I realized: "Hey! At least it's Saturday". I went for my first spoonful of Captain Crunch while scrolling through the tv guide when the phone rang. I could just feel my temper rising up again every time the phone made the most ANNOYING sound ever. *quack, quack* "WHO in the WORLD chose that ringtone for the HOUSE phone and OH MY GOD, can't I just have a moment of silence?!" I said aloud before answering the loud object.

-"Hello." I said in a frustrated tone.
-"Hey Vince. Wanna come hang out with me and the rest of the group? We're planning on exploring the countryside of the town." said my best redheaded friend, Rudy.
-"Oh I don't know" I answered "I think I'm just going to stay home today."
-"Oh come on!" he said in an exasperated voice. "Maya is going to be there! I know you like her."
I could feel my cheeks reddening the second after he mentioned her. "No I don't. I'm just not sure if I feel like going out today. I'll think about it."
-"Okay then." he said "See ya."
I immediately hung up the phone and went back to what I was doing. I was barely finished my cereal when—
-"MOM!!!!! GIVE ME BREAKFAST!!!" screamed my little sister Darcy.
"Oh no..." I thought
-"DID SOMEONE SAY BREAKFAST?!" yelled another voice. That was my older brother Liam.
"Oh dear" I thought again
-"I WANT EGGS!" shouted a voice.
-"NO! BACON!" shouted another one.
-"HOW ABOUT SOME TOAST?" screamed Darcy for the second time.
"Dang it." I said as I struggled to finish my food before everyone got up.

My mom came downstairs looking a mess. Of course I wouldn't say that to her face. Her brown hair was frizzed up and her white and starred pants kept falling down to her buttcrack. "Good morning sweetie" she said in a voice that was spoken through a yawn.

-"Morning." I said. "Uh...I'll be heading out now. Rudy invited me somewhere. I'll be back later"
-"Alright honey. See you later" she said in a tired voice.
"MOMMY!!!! HURRY UP!!!!" yelled Darcy once again.
"HENRY! CAN YOU PLEASE CONTROL THAT CHILD?!" shouted my mom in frustration.
"Yes dear..." said my dad in his same low, monotone voice.
"Have a nice time dear" said my mom with a smile as she turned back to talk to me. "And remember! You're my favourite child"
"Okay cool. Thanks mom." I said as I quickly put on my black sweater and my brown boots and headed outside. "See you later"

"Freedom at last" I thought as I exited my loud house. I texted Rudy to let him know that I'd be joining him and he texted me back giving me information on where he was. I opened the garage door, hopped on my bike and peddled off, happy to have escaped my house just on time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2018 ⏰

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