Goodbye ~ A Solangelo Oneshot

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Nico Pov

When the quest was announced, my heart stopped. There were no healers at camp besides Will, all the others were back in their hometowns for the school year. Will had gone 20 years without having to ever go on a quest, and bless his amazing heart for volunteering to go so they wouldn't have to call back another healer.

It's not that I don't think Will is capable of taking care of himself in a fight, he is highly trained like the rest of us. But, his heart is too good for this, he hates to kill, even monsters. Will is literally hardwired to heal and save. No matter what happens on the quest, this will affect him mentally in a way that hasn't quite reached him yet.

"Hey," he says, breaking me out of my thoughts, "I'll be fine. I know how to fight, I'm going to be there as their back up in case something happened to one of the others and I need to heal them. It's a short quest as it is, just a clearing of an area. Not even a big issue."

I sigh. "I know, Will. It's just that I don't even want you to have to think about going through what a quest is like. They are awful, and dangerous, and I don't want you to be surrounded by such negative energy. You're too perfect." I finish with a smile.

He chuckles and sits next to me on the couch, grabbing my hands. "Thank you for your concern, babe. But these kids I'm going with, they're only 14. I have to go and be the adult in the situation. When you were 14, you were only eating McDonalds fries, you weighed like 90 pounds and you were still practically on the run." He reminds me.

I lower my eyes to look at our conjoined hands. We had been together for almost 5 years now, ever since the war was over. Chiron had a small home built on the edge of the woods for us about a year ago, so we wouldn't, umm, disturb the rest of camp with our, ah, activities. "Yeah, just be super careful, okay? No stupid selfless stuff, got it?" I ask, semi-sternly.

"Got it." Will whispers, leaning in for a kiss.

Our lips connect in a gentle embrace. Soft and sweet, filled with sorrow and hope.

Sighing, I pull away and rest my forehead against his. "Come on, I'll help you go pack. You leave tomorrow morning at sunrise."

He pulls away and stands, offering me one of his hands. "It's not like I'm not up anyway then." He responds with a smile. 

"Yeah, but this time, I've got to get up with you." I grumble as I follow him to our room.

At 6:30, I was woken up to Will shaking me. "Babe, get dressed, we've got to leave in 10 minutes." He tells me.

"Fuck you, Solace." I grumble, turning over onto my stomach.

My boyfriend chuckles before climbing onto the backs of my thighs, and sitting there. "We don't have time for that right now, maybe when I get back." He says, beginning to massage my back.

I roll my eyes and awkwardly reach behind me to slap him wherever I can get to. He laughs before he taps my ass twice and climbing off me and ripping the covers away from my body.

"Damn, sun child." I mumble as I climb out of bed in search of clean clothing. Looking around, I notice that Will has left the room, probably in search of food. I roll my eyes once more, continuing my search for clothes.

Once I'm dressed I head out to the kitchen, and sure enough, there's Will, snaking away on a whole ass carrot. "How can you eat a carrot like that, like you're a fucking rabbit?" I ask, sitting down on one of the bar stools.

"It's healthy, Neeks. I don't know how you can keep that amazing body with all the shit you eat, but not all of us can do that." He says with a smile.

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