My First Day // Chapter 1

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     *Phone rings and wakes me up* *Yawn* "Ugh..." I look at my phone and realize that I'm late for school, although usually I'd be freaking out and rushing, for some reason this morning I am calm and relaxed. Something feels weird but it is calming me. I get dressed, put a ribbon in my hair, put on a hoodie and some jeans, and ate cereal. Some say my style choice is weird but I love ribbons and cute clothes but in winter our uniforms are just boring jeans and a school t-shirt. Which is pretty much what the guys' uniforms are all year. In every season but winter we were cute-ish skirts and button up shirts, you know, like the ones in that one anime' you watch. Anyways, I brushed my teeth and said bye to my mom.

     I'm walking to school, it's freezing. Now I see why we don't have the same uniforms in winter. I'm looking down, listening to music, watching my feet how they kick the pebbles on the ground.  Then the most terrifying thing that could ever happen just happened, I just ran into the hottest guy I have ever seen. Starting to look up while taking my ear buds out I say "I am so sorry.. I didn't mean-" then I look up. It hits me, everyone is looking and there's a few giggles and a lot of googly eyes at this guy I just ran into. I blush so hard that I froze, still looking at his beautiful teal eyes. He has beautiful brown hair pushed to the side. Now I'm not boy crazy... or I think I'm not... so I shake out of it after 10 seconds. It was only 10 seconds but it felt like 10 minutes. He laughs and by now I think I'm as red as a strawberry. He picks up my books that I dropped  when I bumped into him. This is it, I guess for now on I'll be called strawberry girl... or maybe tomato for the rest of the year. At least strawberries are sweet. "Are you okay?" he says with a soft voice. I bet he's a great singer, his voice is so smooth. I never thought my first day of freshman year would end up like this, I JUST RAN INTO A SOPHOMORE! "I am sooo so so sorry." I say still blushing "It's fine. Are you okay?" He asks "Yeah" I answer. He walks away smiling. A girl comes up to me and says "Oh my god," she pauses her high pitched voice, "Are you drooling over Jayden Woods?" She exaterated the "oo" like a gohst howling. She walked away laughing with her friends. I'm blushing still. I put  on my hoodie to cover my face and walk into school. I went to get my schedule and this guy, that I'm guessing is in his 50's, gave it to me working at this school. He said his name was Mr. Stevens. Mr. Stevens kept rambling about how I look weird with my hoodie so I'm taking it off "WOW!! You should really wear makeup to cover those freckles!" He said. I think Mr. Stevens is the rudest teacher I have ever met. I take my schedule and walk away, too shy to say anything. 

     Writer's Note: Thank you for reading! I am %100 sure that as  I keep making this book it will get better as I type.This chapter was short but I'm not sure yet if I am going to keep them short or sometimes make them long and sometimes short. Thank you!

Update: I fixed some things to make them better, I'll keep doing that to make sure it is a good book. 

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