The Start of Something New

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We both just stand there in shock, gawking at the words that had just come out of our now former bosses mouth. All of the people in the room stand their with dumb looks on their faces, not a single sound heard for about three minutes. Apart from the fake dumb look Mr. Marcus was giving them.

"Well? What are you both waiting for? Get the hell out of my freaking office!" Mr. Marcus spits, his face now contorted into a look of rage.

Mike doesn't wait around to hear more nagging and bad news. He quickly turns to the door, and briskly walks out of the room. As Mike is walking through the halls, tears begin to form in his eyes. He dares them to fall as he comes up to his desk and begins to pack up what little things he has.

"So that's it, huh?" A higher but still masculine voice says in a defeated tone. Mike turns around quickly to find the source of the voice.

"Relax dude, I'm over here." The voice says, and Mike turns to find Chara at his desk, cleaning out his stuff as well. The two had conjoined cubicles, so Mike saw him every day. However, he never talked to him for fear of embarrassing himself in front of Chara. If Mike was being honest with himself, he would say that he had a bit of crush on him. That was a lie because he had a major crush on him.

"Y-yeah. I guess s-so." Mike stutters out, and then quickly covers his mouth, embarrassed that he had stuttered in front of Chara.

Chara lightly chuckled at Mikes actions, finding them adorable. He then finished packing up and walked to the entrance of Mikes cubicle, waiting for him to finish packing.

Mike finally finishes putting his few items away in his box and puts it on the now barren desk. He then turns to grab his shabby coat from the corner of the cubicle in which it was hanging, only to find Chara standing there. Mike instantly starts to blush.

"Y-y-you're on m-my c-coat, C-chara." Mike forces out, trying not to let his nervousness show.

Chara looked at Mike and gave him a soft smile. "I know that this is hard for you Mike. I know your living situation, and I want you to know that I'm here for you." He says as he takes a step closer to Mike.

Mike, now starting to freak out, let out a small sheepish sort of sound. Chara went in for the kill upon hearing this. He went up to Mike and hugged him. Little to Mikes knowledge, this was a way for Chara to give his number to Mike. Chara slipped it into Mikes stuff and then gives Mike another squeezing hug, and pulls away.

Mike is beside himself. His crush and his favorite author had just hugged him, and to Mike, it felt passionate. "T-thanks, C-C-Chara. I'll k-k-keep that in m-mind." Mike stutters out again.

With that, Chara turns and grabs his only belongings, his laptop and an empty picture frame labeled with a note saying 'Only for when you find your true love.' Mike thought it could be him, but as he watched Chara walk away he realized he would never be a good companion to Chara. He seems so mature and good-tempered compared to Mike's quick to anger/emotion and immature personality.

But as Mike watched Chara walk away, he saw the laptop that Chara owned swinging back in forth in its case, and instantly all bad thoughts left his mind. He wanted so bad to go through all of the unfinished works that Chara had on the hard drive of that device. Works of art had flown from that laptops keys, works Mike couldn't imagine writing. He could only watch as it kept swinging back and forth. He then followed the arm that was holding it till his eyes finally rested on the back of Chara's head.

"That's where the real genius lies..." Mime whispered to himself, just loud enough for himself to hear.

Chara reached the elevator bank, and as soon as the elevator doors began to close, Mike swore he could see Chara fist pump into the air for no reason. Unknown to either of them, they both thought the same thing at the same time.

"This is the start of something new."

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