Losing Time

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[Hello I am back with trash HAHA but actually this is a lot more mellow than my other works,, but here's some notes to keep in mind:

This is a private investigator AU! Yay!

Touzoku= Thief King Bakura (had to use That Name bc it would contradict with 'Ryou Bakura'

This is, for the most part, in Malik's perspective. You will know only what Malik knows :)

I hope this doesn't suck and i hope i actually finish this lol!!! Y'all are in for a ride :) ]

Chapter 1: Losing Time


Bringing criminals to justice was always Malik Ishtar's dream. Ever since he was a boy, after he himself had lived through injustices, he knew what he wanted to be; A police officer. As Malik grew older, his field of interest eventually blossomed into further specifics: Blood spatter, DNA analyst, and so many more, but by the time he had passed his schooling and started his police work, it was investigation that called to him. He loved cases, and even when he was a young beginner, the top investigators would allow him to help. It was like a game, and Malik was always very good at games. It was natural that he eventually became a well-known private investigator. What he loved especially about his job was playing along with the criminal, making them feel as if they'd won, but at the last moment, debunk them officially and watch with satisfaction as they are cuffed and taken away. Malik had never found the wrong guy, and Malik never made mistakes.

A little ways down the road, Malik decided that he needed a partner. As his career as a private investigator grew, his cases became more dangerous, and it would be stupid to do them alone. There was nothing worse than becoming missing in action while working on a case solo. So, Malik hired an up and coming investigator from his local police force. He worked with the police often, not only because his sister was 'Lieutenant Ishtar', but the chief of police frequently hired him to help them solve cases, so Malik knew just about everyone who worked there. The only man for the job was Ryou Bakura.

Ah, yes. Malik always had an interest in Ryou ever since they graduated from police academy. They were about the same age, only Malik seemed to get recognized more often than Ryou. It seemed that the young man would often get tossed aside, and many of the officers would deem Ryou as 'too weak' for a case, simply because of his soft features and frail-looking stature. But Malik knew much different. Malik always heard him when no one else did. Malik was there when Ryou brought up forgotten evidence to a homicide case. Malik was there when Ryou provided information about a crime scene that other investigators seemed to overlook. And Malik was there when Ryou had the guts and confidence to correct him.

Malik would never forget that. It was, again, a homicide, and Ryou had caught on to a fallen earring that Malik had deemed unimportant. Ryou had a hunch that it was linked to another suspect, and because Ryou challenged Malik's authority, the murderer was caught. It was then that Malik knew who he would hire to be his partner in investigation. Since then, for about a year and a half, they were the most trusted, and probably the best, investigative team in Domino. Maybe even in all of Japan, but they were humble enough to just put Domino on their business cards.

This particular day, Malik and Ryou received a call from the police station. The lieutenant wanted to speak to them about a string of sketchy robberies. There had to be connections, but none of the other officers could find any. Malik smirked to himself when he had heard this. If something as simple as a robbery couldn't be dissected, then that meant something more was going on. Something more was Ryou and Malik's favorite type of case.

"Witnesses said they saw a group of masked men running out of an abandoned warehouse early in the morning. The witnesses lived across the street near the forest preserve, and investigators say that there is definitely a clear line of vision from the house to the warehouse," Malik explained, reading off the file that was given to them about a day ago. The case proved to be a rather tough one. Not that either of them minded, of course. "A group of men. Abandoned warehouses... This has to do with drugs." Malik watched as Ryou shook his head, his eyes concentrated on the words Malik had just read.

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