New Leads

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[Hello here is.. Another chapter???? It's longer than i thought lmao, but the next one is :))))) really good.

This is only going to be like 4 chapters, believe it or not, but also THANK GOD bc I do not have the attention span for more BUT I PROMISE it'll be still be very fulfilling!!!]

Chapter 2: New Leads


"Malik, you need to seriously calm down. Please, I promise you that everything is going to be fine." Isis, also known as Lieutenant Ishtar, sat next to her brother in her office, attempting to comfort him. "Ryou is smart. He knows what to do in tough situations. He'll be fine. I know he will be."

But comforting Malik was much harder than it would seem.

"He most certainly is not fine! You saw it! There was blood! Ryou was bleeding! What if he still is? What if he's already dead?" Malik would never forgive himself if it turned out that Ryou was killed. He didn't want to believe it, but Malik couldn't believe that Ryou was simply 'fine' or 'okay'. That was just naive and stupid. "I need to find him, but the only way I can is to solve this case."

Isis smiled sadly at her brother, placing a comforting hand on Malik's shoulder. "You don't have to do it alone. You can ask any one of these officers to help you. I can help you. I also.. May have called someone to come in and help, too. This did turn into a time sensitive case, so I wanted to make sure we had all the help we could get."

Malik didn't particularly like the sound of that. He trusted his sister, of course, but it was other people he didn't. Malik didn't get along with everyone. Before he could ask who it was that Isis called, he heard some type of cheering, like officers greeting a newcomer, or rather a popular frequenter.

"You didn't," Malik groaned, looking out the window of the office, his eyes narrowed. "Why him? He hates me and Ryou! He's probably glad this happened!"

"Now Malik," Isis said with a sigh, standing her and her brother up. "You know that's not true. It'll be good for you. He knows what he's doing, and so do you. You need as much help as you can get, brother."

While Malik didn't exactly want to go out of the office, he did. Isis was right, as always. As soon as he left, though, he was immediately addressed.


Malik tensed. "Mariku."

"Where's your partner? Did he finally decide to quit?" Mariku smirked at Malik's snarl.

"Don't talk about him like that," Malik replied, his jaw tense. "Just shut up and listen to me."

Malik turned to the whole station, looking about for another investigator so he wouldn't have to just talk to Mariku, but he didn't see one right away. No one here was as good as Ryou was. "Come into my office. We'll discuss there." Sighing heavily, Malik lead the way, Mariku following behind.

Mariku was Maik's enemy. Well, not enemy so much as he was a nemesis. They were in the same academy. They lived in the same area. They shared popularity at the local police station, and Mariku was probably hired just as much as Malik and Ryou were. Malik didn't exactly remember when their rivalry began, but it was most likely Mariku's fault. He always talked trash about them. Mariku mostly liked to pick on Ryou because he was 'weak' in Mariku's eyes. Mariku didn't think that Ryou should have had the opportunity to become a private eye, but Ryou had no problem proving him wrong. Malik had no problem helping him do that, too.

The two sat at Malik's desk, opposite of each other. Malik pushed a file Mariku's way, and Mariku began to read.

"Kidnapped, hm? Is that what they're saying?" Mariku scoffed and tossed the file on the desk. "He's probably dead and rotting away in a ditch somewhere. I'm actually surprised it hadn't happened sooner." Mariku took the liberty of pulling the robbery files over to himself and looked more in depth than he did the others. "Tell me about the robberies."

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