Chapter 7: The Missing Piece

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Michael was the first to be awake, getting up and looking down at you. He covered his face in shame, he almost hurt you and when he saw your eyes...

"Im...sorry.._________." the feeling of he once knew was starting. In such a short amount of time, he was confused with what you were to him. Getting off the bed, changing into one of his suit, the black suit with a red undershirt. Tying his hair up in a ponytail, while placing a black fedora hat. Michael took one look at you, before walking out, Locking it behind. Michael took a walk to his music room, once he got there and sat on the piano, he tapped the keys before closing his eyes. The lust that was inside of him, the bad part he was starting to hate. Every time he was with you, all he wants to do was show how much he claims you. To touch, to kiss,...He slammed his fists on the keys as he screams in anger. It was until a phone rang in the room, Michaels head shot up and headed over. He knew who it was, the only person that knows this number to that phone. Lifting it up, he sigh to himself.

"Hey Dunk..."

"Michael what's wrong? Javon and Bill said your having trouble again?" Sometimes he wonders what they say around her. Sure they didn't have to care for him.

"No, problems at all. Janet."

"That's a lie and you know it, Applehead." Michael chuckle a little, thr silly nicknames brought back, memories that were kind. His sister was the best thing that could've ever happened.

"There's...this girl-"

"Don't tell me, did you kidnap her, her something?"



"Janet its not what you think, just let me explain." he twiddle with cord around with his finger. Hearing her on the other side, her grumbling knew she is listening. "One of the people, owe me money, well..fathers moneys. I knew he wasn't going to pay, so in father's words. Take his sister. And so I exchange for his life-"

"I know it's business and all, but Michael she is a person not an object."

"I know let me finished." She made a small sound at the other end. "Anyways, so the small problem I have are acting up.."

"Michael you know you can't fall in love with her easily. You have a sensitive heart, even if your outer shell is hard as rock. She will break you, dont let it happened like Diana did, that bitch use you!"

"_________ is different..."

"So that's her name? It's a really pretty name, Michael. But it also sounds familiar.." Michael sat up straight while his hand pressed tightly on the phone.

"You know her?"

"Actually Mother once said something about father trying to find someone name that and protect her." He held his breath. "Michael?"

"Janet, I have a bad feeling now."

"About what?"

"Its business, but why would father be wanting to search for someone named _________?"

"Do you think it had something to do with Joseph's death and missing mistress?" Michael thought long and hard about it. He didn't know about Joseph, but his father said he was a good man, he once heard he found someone, but it could of benlen lies and rumors. Maybe...just maybe..something was coming back from the grave.

"I don't know, Dunk. I want you to leave, Chicago for a while."

"You mean?"

"If anyone listens to this and find something out. I won't be able to forgive myself if anything happens to you. Your my baby sis."

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