Chapter Four

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"Look Astrid, I think this boat has room for two more."

Astrid looked over to where Angelina was pointing. To her displeasure, she could see Rosier and one of his cronies with him.

Astrid looked around desperately in hope to find another boat, but unfortunately none were free.

Astrid looked up at Angelina and the pair of them grimaced before reluctantly making their way over to the boat.

Rosiers eyes lit up with delight when he saw the two girls walk up to there boat.

"Ah, I knew you couldn't keep away from me for long."

"Just shove over Rosier."

"Alright, alright! Don't get your wand in a twist!"

Astrid held her own wand tight in her hand. It was Chestnut wood with a dragon heart string core, 9 inches exactly. If she could, she would have loved to have hexed Rosier into the water. Unfortunately, she couldn't as he didn't know any spells outside the basics her sister had taught her.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Hagrid rang out a bell to signal that the boats were to take off.

They took off with a start causing Astrid to fall onto Rosiers lap.

"Wow, someone's feeling eager today."

That's when Astrid lost it. Not knowing any hexes, she swung a punch at him, hitting him smack in the face. He stumbled backwards into the boat. Astrid could see the blood already beginning to flow.

He turned around and gave her a glare even Astrid couldn't beat. They both stood up and glared at eachother. Rosier used his height to look down on Astrid and try and dominate the situation. But Astrid wasn't going to lose her ground.

"How dare you, you little blood traitor! My parents fought hard to keep beasts like you out of our society. Now, let's see if you can swim."

"NO, ASTRID!!!!"

The last thing Astrid saw before she hit the water was Angelina trying to reach out and save her, but Rosiers cronie was pinning her down to the side of the boat. She saw a smirk etch upon Rosiers face, before she sunk into the deep waters of the lake.

Astrid was sinking fast and she struggled to get anywhere near the surface. Her school robes were not helping as they felt like lead, dragging her down to the lake's bed.

She then remembered Elevina, who still in her robes front pocket. She quickly fished her beloved friend from her pocket, only to find her limp and lifeless in her hands.

Astrid choked back a sob and hoped to Merlin, that friend you be saved, even if she couldn't. Astrid kicked off her shoes, and that lightened her enough to bring a few feet closer to the surface, but not enough for her to reach it.

Astrid knew she wouldn't be able to swim that far, so she pushed her friend up as far as she could, in hope that one of them could be saved.

She watched Evelina float up the remaining 30ft as she felt herself sink further and further to the bottom of the lake.

Astrid had never felt so lonely in her life as she was floating further and further down. She gave one last desperate kick before she knew she had to realise there was no hope. But Astrid wasn't going to give up so easily, because wasn't going to go down without a fight.

Then, she felt something grab around her waist. She almost cried out loud to see a ginormous squid of all things lifting her to the surface of the water.

Instead she gave the giant tenticle a grateful pat just as it pushed her out of the water.

She took in a deep breath of fresh air, coughing out some of the water that had reached her lungs, before a large pair of hands grabbed her from the clutch of the squid.

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