Prologue (How It All Began)

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It's been years since I've seen the light of day. I don't remember how long ago it was that I made the worst mistake of my life. I was supposed to protect him, not kill them all.
Ever since I was released from that demon that I had brung into this world, I had been locked in this cell. That man is not dumb, and knew I still had a roll to play. What that roll is? I don't know, only time will show me what it is, and why it's important to him.
The one thing I do know, is that there's mortals here, wherever I am. I can..somehow sense them in a way. They don't belong in this don't know what this place is anyway.
They stand out, they're doing something that will change everything.
But does that thing have to do with me? Maybe. They are getting closer to wherever I am. But I don't know if anyone else is here with me, though. I can't hear anything. Nor see anything for that matter, it's so dark here I have no reason to see, so my eyes gave up. I can only feel my surroundings, which isn't much when you're trapped.

They're presence is nearing me, I hope they can save me from my prison.

They're close, I can't tell how close, but they are really close.
I feel a hand on my head, slowly forcing me into a deep sleep. I slowly lay my head down as my mind shuts off from this world. But before I do, I can feel a drip of what I can assume is water on my cheek. Only one can guess who is here for me, who can free me, who can bring me back.
Who can save me.

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