Chapter one (The excape)

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This takes place after Drake and Grayson have gone through the portal that had armen helmet on it.

I wake up in a room, how long I've been out that I do not know. The room I am in is empty, with four corridors to do down and choose from. Grayson is not here with me, but I can sense him nearby, unless there is another living being here, though I highly doubt that.
I stand up and look around, following the life force of who I can assume to be Grayson. As I round a corner I enter a corridor of cells. Shocked, but I continue onwards, not knowing what else to do.
No one seems to be in the cells, but the life force is growing closer so I think whoever this is may be in one of them.
I stop, looking into a cell that the life force is in. My eyes widen and I back away, there is a boy, one who seems very familiar, tho I can't see his face that well as he is facing away from me.
I move to the door and surprisingly, it's unlocked. I had opened the door and walked inside, kneeling down next to the boy.
“Hey..are you alright?” I ask, the boy turns around and looks at me. I slowly back away, tears in my eyes.
“D..drake? Is that really you?..” He asked. I nod my head and move closer, he quickly hugs onto me.
“Armen..I missed ya” I hold onto him tightly as we both cry into into our  shoulders.
Brothers reunited again.
Yet it all seemed too easy, somethings off, and we both knew it.
“Armen,  we need to find Grayson and quickly leave, something seems off..” I shudder and stand up with him and we walk out of the cell.
“Where could he be though..”
“That I do not know, but we need to find him quickly.”
We take off down the coriander, the way I didn't search yet. Looking into every cell, yet not finding anything.
As we round yet another corner, my ears perk up slightly.
“He's nearby” we both say at the same time, turning towards each other wide eyed.
“How can you tell?” He asks. I point at my ender side.
“Kinda part ender here, not hard to put two and two together and realize I have magic” I shrug. “now how can you?” I ask him, he rubs the back of his neck.
“well..i don't actually know, I think it's a part of Him that's in me still just..under control.” He sighs. I ruffle up his hair a bit.
“well, when we get back I can teach you a thing or two, but for now let's find Grayson, who probably is that life force we feel..if not then who knows what we'll find.”
I smile at him and continue walking down the hall, him following close behind me.
As we near the life force, we also reach another set of cells, all basically empty.
I walk a bit forward and look into the cell the life force is coming from. Inside is a boy, he looks very familiar though I don't know why.
Armen comes up behind me, eyes wide.
“Th..that's can't be him..can it?” He slowly open the door and walks inside kneeling down in front of the boy..Collin. he seemed awake yet doesn't look like he can hear nor see us.
“Are you sure it's him and not Herobrine doing a trick on us?” I asked him. He turns towards me, eyes full of tears.
“I know it's him, I just know it…. Please can we take him with us Drake?..Please?”
I sigh and nod slowly, walking over and kneeling down setting my hand on top of his head and performing a sleeping spell.
“He should be up in a few hours, so we should get Grayson and leave quickly so he isn't scared or confused.” I tell him, slowly getting him onto my back and standing up. “You ready?” I ask. He nods back at me.
We walk out of the cell and continue down the corridor.
After some walking we find grayson, asleep, in a room like like where I was.
I smile softly. “Armen, are you able to carry Grayson? He is quite heavy so you could always take Collin.” He turns to me and shakes his head.
“I can take Grayson..” He says as he goes up and picks him up bridal style. “He is kinda heavier than I thought but I can take him.”
I nod and we continue down the hall. We reach a dead end, confused we turn around and see that the corridor has changed on us.
We go back down it, now there being windows in the walls, looking out into the hell bellow.
We teach the end and turn the corner to see a portal there, well, actually multiple portals.
All are different colors, and have labels on them. This seems way to easy..
I go up to each one and read through labels. Trying to find the one to get out. Somehow finding that one last.
“Armen over here.” I call him over to the portal, and smile. “Finally you can be free..”
He smiles sadly and nods. “Enter at the same time? Like we always did?” He chuckles.
I nod and get ready. “three, two, one..” We both jump through, with the other two still with us of course.
No one understood what they have just done, but they were all happy from what they have done, they brought their friends back.
They save them both from hell.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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