Teacher's Pet - Chris Brown Story ~ Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Lexia's POV

I was awful at math. I could never understand it, and I know I never will I dreaded having to go to class everyday not only did I struggle but our teacher was barely in, we were constantly been given supplies, which really pissed me off. They could never control the class. ugh. I sat down in my place and took out my pencil case and book... I hate math. Suddenly, the head of math came bursting in the room with a man following.

"Right! Class listen up, as I've been getting complaints off of you guys i have found a semi permanent supply for you guys, he will cover the lessons 4 days a week. Thank you, and be good for him!"

The man looked around the classroom and adjusted his nerd glasses, but they didn't look like real glasses.

"Right you guys! Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Brown, but you can call me Mr. B cause it's quicker, so I've heard that Y'all are doing algebra! Nice... Let's get started open your textbooks to page 32 please"

God. I was shit at algebra. I worse at that than anything else I put my head in my hands as he said it and groaned. I looked up at him and he caught me. He walked over to my desk.

Chris' POV

I walked over to the young lady's desk.

"Hello there, what's the matter?"

She looked up at me in stress.

"I'm absolutely terrible at math. I'm practically unteachable, especially when it comes to algebra"

"Everyone is teachable young lady, now. Where would you like me to start? On question 2? That's the easiest in my opinion! Come on let's get started"

"Uh, alright let me get a pen from the desk, this ones ran out."

She stood up to get her pen and damn I mean I know she's a student but she had a huge, juicy booty... I sound like a perv, but it was unmissable, I slightly bit my lip and told myself to stop under my breath, she sat back down and we began.

"So, before we start, I can't teach you without knowing your name so, what is it?"

"My name's Lexia"

"Ok! Lets get started Lexia"

Lexia's POV

He started to ramble on about X times by Y over the power of all that shit, I was paying no attention I just found myself staring at his plump, pink, full lips... Damn this Mr. Brown guy was actually really good looking, as a matter fact he was sexy af!

The bell rang. Everyone else got up and I just sat there.

"Lexia don't you want to go?"

"I still don't understand it Mr. Brown and I need to talk to you about it. It's confusing me so much! I really need help"

He looked over his glasses at me and got up, damn he is fine, no lie.

"I could give you extra tutoring after school... If you want I mean, I stay hear til like 6:30 anyways so I might as well pass some time and tutor you, just come to this class room at the end of the day on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's ok?"

He gave a warm smile and waited for me to answer.

"Sure! I'll do it, thank you Mr. Brown you're actually the only math teacher who has made effort to help me, I really appreciate it!"

I smiled and grabbed my book in the process and started to pack away.

Chris' POV

That'll cut out some time for when I have to stay here after school, nice! I like helping kids that don't understand. But there's a part of me that's excited to teach Lexia because she's pretty hot, definitely sexy for a 18 year old... I feel like I'm being a pervert but I just can't help it! And her body is better than some of the girls my age damn, I'll tell ya she's developed for sure. I need to stop I'm 25 for god sakes. I adjusted my glasses again and looked at her

"Don't worry Ms. Smith, I'll get you sorted and understanding math in absolutely no time! Goodbye"

I smiled and she smiled back, i watched her walk out and couldn't help glueing my eyes to the moving of her ass I licked my lips and sat back at my desk, looking down at my pants. I was hard. shit, I ignored it and went to work on the computer no matter how much CJ called, I ignored.

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