He's My Brother (Styles Twins)

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Chapter 01:

When we were small, we used to play games, we acted like I was daddy and he was mommy and we loved each other, we kissed the same way mommy and daddy did, we held hands like mommy and daddy did and we whispered sweet nothings into each other's ears, just like mommy and daddy did.

I'm not sure why we did it though, maybe because we were curious and wanted to know what mommy and daddy felt when they did those things. "One day I want to marry you like daddy married mommy." I whispered into his curls one night, as we laid in his bed and cuddled like mommy and daddy did after weird sounds came from their bedroom.

He giggle and shook his head, his nose tickling my neck, "A boy and a boy can't get married with each other, Ed." He grinned. "Why? Uncle Charlie married Daniel." I pointed out. Harry looked up at me, his identical green eyes connecting with mine, "If we do marry like daddy and mommy, will we live together too someday? And sleep in a big room like they do?" He asked, his eyes shining with joy.

"Our room will be bigger than mommy and daddy's." I promised.


"Shit." My head shot up at the sound of Harry's voice as the front door opened. He came stumbling inside, his hands locked around his girlfriend's waist as he pulled her body to his, their lips connecting in a sloppy make out. I cleared my throat softly and stood up from the couch when Harry glanced over her shoulder and motioned for me to leave.

I didn't want to be in the same house when Harry had her over, their moans were loud and constant and they drove me insane. I sighed as I headed up the stairs, the sound of Harry and Tammy's moans filling the house.

I flopped down on my bed and ran a hand through my curly hair as I blocked out their noises with my thoughts. Call me crazy, but after Harry and I spent all that time planning our lives together, I never wanted anyone else, I only dated one girl since then and that only lasted 3 months. After 9 years, I still couldn't get over how amazing and beautiful he was. 

I know we look the same, but Harry wasn't just beautiful on the outside, oh no, he was the whole package. Cheeky, and funny, smart, sporty and trendy. He lived in the moment and just enjoyed life like every other 16 year old should.

Mum and dad had gotten a divorce since our childhood, I think that's mainly why Harry and I stopped playing those games. Harry was heart broken, and said he'd never ever get married, he said that marriage never lasts, but it does! My best friend, Zayn, 's parents have been together for 32 years, and they never stopped loving each other, mum and dad just weren't meant to be, but Harry didn't see it like I did.

Harry and I never slept in the same bed again after the day our dad packed his last bag and left. I pretended that I didn't hear Harry's sniffs at night, and his small cries of 'daddy I miss you' as he pushed his face into his pillow. 

We were only 7 at the time, and I think Harry always loved dad a little more than mum, that's why he was so miserable once dad left and never contacted us again.

"Harry yes!" I groaned as Tammy's loud voice knocked my thoughts from my head. I pushed myself up from my bed and ran downstairs, "Harry, mum just texted me, she's on her way home!" I yelled as I ran into the living room, where Harry was busy licking at Tammy's belly button. 

His head shot up, his eyes wide as he looking at me over his shoulder, "Shit Tammy, go!" He yelled, pushing himself off her.

Tammy pulled her top down and pecked his lips before making a run for it. "Shit." Harry muttered, running his hand through his hair. 

Harry was grounded after breaking one of mum's necklaces while trying to do magic. God knows what would happen if mum came in while Harry was fucking Tammy on her couch.

My eyes scanned over him, stopping when I looked at his face and locked my eyes with his, the memory of little Harry happily asking: "If we do marry like daddy and mommy, will we live together too someday? And sleep in a big room like they do?"

"Our room will be bigger than mommy and daddy's." I mumbled, deep in thought.

Harry's eyes widened as he stood up from the couch, "What?" He asked rather awkwardly. I knew he remembered that night too, I could see it in his green eyes.

"Do you remember that? That night you and I were in my bed and -"

"No, I don't, I have no idea what you're talking about." He lied, glaring at me. My slight grin fell, my eyes falling to the ground as he pushed past me, his shoulder bumping into mine.

"I can't wait to marry you, Edward." I whispered softly, remembering his reply.

I'm not sure whether I missed how close we were, or how in love we were, I just know I miss my brother, and his kisses, just like mum and dad's, his hand holding mine, just like mum held dad's, and his little voice whispering sweet nothings into my ears, just like mum and dad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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