ch. 3 - autumn

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    Nicholas Luis runs a helicopter service. Not for himself though. He only owns it because his family needed money.

   After the war, third world countries just got worse. Even the smaller, lesser known towns were targeted. Nicholas' family has been in a perpetual state of struggle since the first strike on Nantu, which fell upon generations and led to him.

     Which is why he now owns Luii Helli, a private transportation company, to help his family. It's not like he wanted to run it. In fact, Nicholas hated his job. He hated getting up in the morning. He hated going to work. He hated staying at work. He hated the long train ride home. He also hated Cali in general, but that's besides the point. Of course, on the occasion, interesting people would come into his shop.

    "Snow, my friend!"

     Orion, or Snow, was an interesting man. To Nicholas, the man was a legend. Orion was an untouchable god in Nick's eyes. Only a god could help him, Nick thought.

    "I need to cash in on the favor."
     Orion spoke with his usual monotonous voice. Years ago, when the two were young teens, around 17, Orion had done a favor for him. He had done a hit on a personal enemy of the Luis family, a man who even Orion agreed was the scum of the Earth. Nicholas, having no money at the time, offered Orion a favor instead.
   "My friend and I need a ride to Nantu."

    Only a god could help him, Nick thought.

   "Only if you can do something for me, in exchange for another favor."
   Nick offered him a smirk.

    Julian seemed scared.
    Orion just laughed and glanced at the shorter male. Everyone was short compared to him.

   "Name your price."


      Pascal Luis is what many people would call a trainwreck. Straight out of school, his life went in a downward spiral towards despair. They say you never forget your first love. Pascal always wondered who 'they' actually were, because he's always wanted to choke-slam them. He had fallen in love with someone who hurt him in too many ways to count. The sounds, the faint smell of blood, and the very pungent smell of cigarette smoke, stepping into El Flamenco Oscuro brought back horrible memories. Then again, he had to make a living somehow, and Nantu was full of beautiful young men that older men loved to take advantage of. Pascal was 24, but he could pass for just barely 18. It was disgusting, he thought, but he had to make a living somehow.
Pascal made his way over to the backstage area, grabbed his uncomfortable costume from his case and did his best not to rip the tight stockings as he yanked them on. God, he hated this. The black lace stockings seemed too tight. The jock strap was far too large for him and the zipper on the faux corset always managed to pinch his skin. Needless to say, Pascal hated his job for too many reasons to count.

       But it's all he knew how to do, he'd tell himself.
It's the only way I know how to feel.

         Pascal, now in costume, walked back out to the floor. He made sure his back curved, emphasizing the more tantalizing parts of his body. Pascal -- Autumn -- was a fan favorite at the club. Everyone's eyes always followed the sway of his hips, always listened to what he had to say, and always asked for him by the end of the night. Everyone asked for him at the end of the night. He just needed to find the next addict he could get onto him.

     It's the only way I know how to feel. He'd repeat. Dominant.

     A friendly laugh. Pascal recognized it as Eduardo Montoya, the club's owner. He had friends?
    "It's been a while!"

     Another laugh, this time more smooth sounding.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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