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ANNA FROWNED PLACING HIS HANDS ON HAN'S SHOULDERS, as she looked ahead. "What in the world..?" Anna muttered quietly as Han frowned as well.

"We came out of hyperspace into a meteor shower, some kind of  astroid collision." Han said as he dodged the astroids, while Anna's grip tightened on his shoulders in worry.

"What's going on?" Luke asked as Anna sighed, looking at Han. "Are you sure we're in the right place?"

"Yes I'm sure, there's no Alderaan!" Han yelled flipping and pressing buttons.

"What do you mean, where is it?" Luke asked, worry growing inside him as well.

"It's been blown away.." Anna said quietly, as she took a step backwards, Han looking quickly over his shoulder, confused of her sudden change in behaviour.

"What? How!"

"Destroyed... by the Empire!" Ben said as Anna bit her lip nervously.

"The entire starlet couldn't destroy a whole planet. It'd take a thousand ships with more fire power than I've--" A beeping alarm cut Han off. "There's another ship coming in."

"Maybe they know what happened." Luke said as Anna shook her head. "It's an Imperial fighter."

"It followed us!" Anna turned to Luke, "There's no way," She denied. "It's a short range fighter. But what is it doing here? There's no bases around here.." She looked ahead as her breath hitched. "Turn the ship around." She said to Han sternly. "What?"

"Turn the ship!" She yelled at Han. "Full reverse Chewie, lock in the auxiliary power."

"Han." Anna said growing unpatient, as she fiddled with her fingers nervously. "Why are we getting closer?"

"We're caught in a tractor-beam, it's pulling us in." Han shared the same look of worry that Anna had, but Anna's was worse. "There's gotta be something you can do." Luke said as Han shook his head. "Nothing I can do about it kid, I'm on full power; I'm gonna have to shut down. They're not gonna get me without a fight."

Anna paced back and forth as she looked at Han. "Compartments."

"What?" He asked confused.

"Compartments." Anna smiled, "Smuggling compartments." Han stood up as he bit back a smile looking at Anna, cupping her face. "I could kiss you right now." He said before walking away as Anna furrowed her eyebrows, slightly blushing before following Han.

He opened the compartments, Anna and Han in one, the droids C3PO and R2D2, also Chewbacca got into the second one, and the third one contained Luke and Ben.

"So.." Han said quietly as Anna could merely see him smirking in the darkness. "Oh please, Flyboy. I bet you haven't been this close to a woman before."

Han let out a chuckle, placing his hands on her waist. "How would you know?"

Anna about to say something back, as Han placed his hand over her mouth, as she heard steps on top of them. She closed her eyes, as the imperial stormtroopers walked away.

Han opened the compartment, as Anna step out seeing Luke, and Chewbacca opening theirs.

"Boy, it's lucky you had these compartments." Luke said as Anna couldn't agree more.

"I use them for smuggling, I never thought I'd be smuggling myself." Han said getting out of the tiny compartment as well. "This is ridiculous; even if I could take off, I'd never get past the tractor-beam."

"Leave that to me." Ben said as Anna turned to look at the old Jedi. "Are you sure?" Anna asked as Ben nodded. "Damn fool, I knew you were gonna say that" Han grinned.

"Which is more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?" Ben asked making Anna laugh.

Two Imperial service men walked inside the Millenium Falcon as Luke and Han knocked them out, calling out for the stormtroopers outside for help.

They took the clothes of the troopers and put them on as Han stared at Anna who was grimacing at the suit. "Yeah that's not gonna fit." Anna said nodding to herself as Han shook his head looking at her confused.

"Because," Anna started fake smiling. "Women have different body parts Captain Solo." She said like it was obvious making Han scoff as he looked away, slightly blushing as did Luke.

As they all walked inside the control room, Anna sighed looking at everyone before Luke started. "Between his howling," He said looking at the wookie "And your blasting it's a wonder the whole station didn't hear you." Luke said to Han.

"Bring 'em on, I prefer a straight fight compared to all this sneaking around." Han said making Anna scoff. "What is it Princess?" Han seethed.

"Well the fact that if you don't see they clearly have more numbers." She said as Han glared at the other smuggler, he knew she was right.

"We found the computer outlet." C3PO said as Anna looked at the protocol droid.

Soon Ben had left, even though Anna protested that he shouldn't go alone.

R2's franctical beeping started to annoy Anna, as she looked at the droid, "What is it Artoo?"

C3PO started talking, "I'm not quite sure," Anna frowned. "He says I found her, and keeps repeating that she's here."

"Who?" Anna asked.

"Princess Leia." Anna licked her lips taking a step back. "She's here?" Han looked at her reaction and knew that something was wrong.

"Where is she?" Anna asked, slightly raising her voice looking at the droids. "Level five, detention block AA-twenty-three." Anna sighed wiping her face. "I'm afraid she's scheduled to be terminated." Anna's jaw almost dropped at what C3PO had just said.

"I'm going." Anna took her blaster as she adjusted her long dark brown hair.

"What?!" Han yelled looking at Anna. "No."

"I'm going Solo, whether you're coming or not." She said back, her glare only hardening.

"She's rich." Luke started as Han looked away from Anna making her roll her eyes at his behaviour.


"Rich, powerful.. Listen if you were to rescue her, the reward would be.."


"More wealth than you can imagine!"

"I don't know I can imagine quite a bit!" Han said back making Anna sigh. "Alright, kid you better be right about this. What's the plan?"

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