Chapter 2

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Dana-Lynn POV

The fire was ablaze in the kitchen and was too bright to even look at. My father and I dashed towards the entrance door of the house. My dads grip on my hand tightened by the second and we fled the house unaware of the future.

I was panting because we ran as fast as we could. My dad sat down on the curb in front of our now burning house. His hand was going through his hair and pulling it. I heard small sobs coming from him.

I ran up to him. "Dad? Are you okay?"



"Oh no," I said, "Was she-" I say pointing to the house.

"Y-yes, the kitchen." My father said between sobs. 

"NO NO NO." I cry to myself, tears now trickling down my cheek. "This can't be happening. NO"

Just then sirens of an ambulence catch my ear and I turn my head to see where the noise is coming from, my dad getting up from the curb immeadiately. 


Behind the ambulance is the fire engine and I thank god that they are here now.

The firemen come pouring out of the big red truck and I hope for the best.

Dana, do you really think that these men will get mom in time? Did they grow up in this house? Do they know where the kitchen is? No Dana. Go get mom and be the hero for once.

I idiotically listen to my subconsious and run for the house.

This is a big mistake and I know it.


DONT HIT ME OKAY, it not my fault cliffhangers come to me like maggots to dead stuff kay?



i cant even. Okay look. 

Somethings are going on with me family, so like I have an announcement for you...

to read it, go to my instagram account and youll find out... ;)


kk bye.

xoxo, amber



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