[Prinxiety] ~ Hanahaki Disease

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This was requested by JenevieFields . Hanahaki disease, as they explained, is a fictional disease caused by unrequited love where the victim coughs and throws up flower petals, and it can eventually result in death.


When Roman started to feel sick, no one thought much of it. It was during flu season, so it wasn't unusual. Roman spent most of his time feeling blah and being really overdramatic about it.

"I'm going to die." Roman whined.

"Oh, grow up." Virgil sighed.

"I will cough in your general direction on purpose just to get you sick." Roman threatened.

Virgil gasped. "You wouldn't."

"I would."

"We don't even know if it's the flu that Roman has." Patton said. "If only we could take him to the doctor."

"It would be hard to take a trait to the doctor." Logan said. "The doctor would wonder why all five of us looked identical. Not to mention we don't know if anything the doctor could prescribe would work, because Roman's not fully human."

"He can get better on his own. The flu doesn't last that long." Virgil said.

"If it is the flu." Patton said.

"We'll just have to wait and see." Logan said.

"Well, it's getting late, so I'm going to go to bed. And by that, I mean stay up for hours on Tumblr and then finally go to sleep at 3 am." Virgil clicked his tongue nonchalantly and sunk out.

"At least he's honest." Logan sighed. "I, too, will be going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Logan!" Patton gave Logan a kiss before sinking out and going to his own room.

Roman was alone in Thomas's apartment, and he sighed. He felt... lonely. He wasn't in the mind palace, he was in Thomas's reality, so if he needed anything, Thomas was just upstairs. And yet... Roman didn't want to bother him. Thomas needed his sleep, and he had just told the Fanders that he would be doing just that, and Roman knew that the Fanders in Mom mode were a force not to be reckoned with.

Instead, he laid on Thomas's couch, staring at the ceiling blankly.

His chest hurt like hell.

Being sick sucks.

It was impossible for Roman to get any sleep in his state of sickness, so he let his mind wander.

"Le Fou, I'm afraid I've been thinking—"
"A dangerous pastime."
"I know!"

Roman smirked to himself at the Beauty and the Beast quote he had thought of. He really did love that movie. Anyone who knew him would know of his love for Disney, but Beauty and the Beast was such a classic, a tale of love despite outward appearance—

"Stockholm syndrome."

Roman recalled the memory of his "Disney Debate" with the emo so long ago. Virgil had claimed to love Disney, and yet had accused all of the movies to have such sinister undertones... Classic Virgil. Roman caught himself smiling at the memory, but stopped as soon as he was conscious of it.

Things had changed so much since then. Back then, Roman saw Virgil as... nothing more than an inconvenience, the thing keeping him from dream chasing. But now... He was more. He was a part of the group, he was a friend... He had the cutest laugh, and his smile could make Roman melt—

Roman loved him.

It was a conclusion Roman came to not too long ago, but he wished he hadn't. Better to be in denial than heartbroken because there was no way Virgil would love him back, no way they could have what Logan and Patton have.

A Collection Of Various One Shots Depicting Thomas Sanders's CharactersWhere stories live. Discover now