A Kiss?

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What a lousy night.

I'm not sure exactly when I fell asleep. Then, before I knew it, the sun had me up at half seven. That wouldn't usually be a problem, midnight is the latest I tend to go asleep. Last night, though, must've been some point after 3am.

Trying to avoid my thoughts, I stayed up browsing online until 2am. An earlier event had me thinking about things...

The washing up needed to be done, and, as per usual, mum was out doing her late shifts. So I took it upon myself to wash up...

"Lapis," My sister pipes in out of nowhere. I thought she was in the living room? "Would you be so kind as to assist your little, but equally smart, sister with her maths homework? What's x squared plus y-" I can't be bothered with this.

"Don't know, don't care." I say, not looking up from the dishes I'm cleaning.

"Of course you don't, gaylord."

Okay, that struck a chord. It's been a sensitive topic recently... Let's just say I'm a bit confused. Where did that even come from?

"What the hell?" I snap at her.

"You are so gay." She snickers, pointing her pen at me.

"N-no I'm not, brat." I grit my teeth, realising I'm giving her the reaction she wants. So I go back to focusing on the dishes.

Her hands slap onto her cheeks in delight of my reaction. "Oh my gosh, you are! I'm telling mum!"

"Go ahead, see if I care." I hear her huff in disappointment at my less dramatic response. Does she think I'm gay now? Why would she even think that?

"Where are you even getting this from?" I ask.

"It's what the kids in school are saying now." I see her waving her pen around in the air as she talks. "If someone annoys you or you don't like them, they call them gay. And just how that equation equals five, gay equals you. Ha."

"Oh." Looks like she doesn't really know what it means. Typical annoying kids. "Well that's stupid."

She's quick to snap back at me. "And an eighteen-year old not knowing how to do maths for a twelve-year old isn't?"

"Look," I roll my eyes. "I could do it if I wanted t-"

"Nope! I don't need your help, gaylord." Ugh. And with that, she's out of the room. "Ta ta."

...And there I was in bed thinking about some silly thing my sister said to me, without even understanding it's meaning.

Naturally, my mind would continue on topic. Wondering about Peridot. I'm at the point where I'd be more surprised to find out she's straight than I would be if she is gay. Come on, she practically blurted it out the other week.

'Maybe I'm not interested in men!' She yelled at me, after I pestered her about boys. Was that it? Was that a confession to me? Maybe not intending to be. Oh, and when I changed infront of her and she freaked out. I don't see why else that would be a big deal to her.

Then of course, the thoughts spiral onwards.

Or was it me? Does... she like me? Steven seemed to think we'd make a good couple. He looked so excited when he asked if we were together. I'm still not sure what I think about that. Which is kind of my current confusion.

Could we be a couple? That would make me gay. Am I? I don't see why... but I also don't see why not. And then Marina has to go calling me gaylord as if I'm giving off some gay vibe. And then I have to go and over react to it as if I am. Why else would I be so touchy about it? Then again, she didn't seem to understand what it meant.

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