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In my younger years, I believed having a twin was a blessing from the gods. I know this may make me sound like some video game nerd, but you are born having these gifts other siblings don't have. Switching classes. Switching most of everything when the other wasn't up for it. What was a blessing is now a curse from the Gods. I can't seem to break away from the constant comparing and the being second best. I tried to break away from the constant comparing but I only failed.

Excelling in only academics and not much in the face department didn't do much for my social status. Sure enough, we look exactly alike but it wasn't up for debate. Evan Moretti rocked it better. My academics would never be discussed as much as Evan's face was discussed. Beauty will always prevail over brains. Well in our case, Evan's rugged good looks will always prevail over my "awesome" intellect. He will always remain victorious and no lie I envied him. I envied my own twin brother.

I wanted everything in my power to break away from the comparisons. I went as far to looking like a reject extra from the Smurfs to juxtapose us. All I ask for is a little light to shine on little ole me. Nah but for real though, all ask for is someone to appreciate me and my company. Just don't like me because you want to get close to Evan. 

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