Dear, Hologram, Diary

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Hi. So this is really bad writing that I had to do for school but I wanted to write a story or something so... this is what you get. I'm not sure if I'll continue this but if you read his please comment suggestions. I'm super into Percy Jackson, Heathers, and Hamilton and will probably be writing mostly Percy Jackson stories specifically Solangelo sorry if this is awful and yes I know I apologize too much.

"Entry 524, The year is 2137: and we're in Arizona. We're running low on water and I think Arun might be getting worse. Dawn and I are doing fine for now. Chow-Chow eats a lot of our supplies but we manage. The Filtration Accommodation is breaking down more often and we can't fix it. Arun is going to stay up tonight and try to fix it. We may have to go to California soon but it's a long journey and we can only carry enough water to last us a month. It seems like everything is still getting hotter, I remember grandma telling us of different times when she was our age, which was five at the time. She told us before that everything wasn't as hot and there was a normal amount of water. However that was her old Earth we live on this one here."

I push a button and the hologram of myself disappear ending my diary entry and decided to go back to the one I made around a year ago, yes I make more than one entry a day. I start it up and listen.

"Entry 123, The year is 2136: Hi my name is Eve but my sibling call me Ivy! I'm a triplet, my two siblings are Dawn our sister and Arun our brother, is that proper grammar? Well Arun says it's close enough so oh well. His name means sun. At the moment Dawns feeding Chow-Chow, our pet mammoth. Yeah scientists were able to bring back mammoths. It's the coolest! I hope to be able to genetically modify a bird into a dinosaur one day along with a bunch of my other ideas. I guess I should tell you about my siblings. Well Dawn is hot headed and has a quick temper, she's very strong and aggressive but has a big heart. Arun is almost the opposite calm and focused he's super smart and uses brains over brawns and can forget about others getting stuck in his own little world. The three of us go great together I just hope we can survive the wasteland we were born into." I sigh as I turn off the hologram and leave the tent to see if my siblings are ready for bed. You see we're going out scavenging tonight to try to find food, water, and money so we need rest. I turn to see where Arun is. At the moment he's drinking water and coughing, you see Arun is sick we don't know how sick but he is.

"Hey, ready to set up camp?" I smile and ask him. He nods and coughs again

"Yeah..I'm gonna try and fix the Filtration thingy tonight."

I smile and we both start to grab your waters bottles, then I pull out our umbrella and hit a button. A huge dome forms around our supplies, my sister, and Chow-Chow myself with Arun outside.

Dawn and I go to sleep and when we wake up a lady is frantically talking with Arun, we hurry outside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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