Chapter 1 : How it all started

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I opened my eyes and i found myself in an orphanage .
i've been in that place situated in the middle of the forest since i don't know when , i guess when i first started being conscious as a child.
every orphan girl's dream is to be adopted but parents often adobt new born babies   and rarely girls between 13 and 17 years old .
I had no friends i was completly  lonely  i don't know why but every one without exeption  were ignoring me or "avoiding " me  maybe because when i get angry or very upset something bad happens and when i say bad i mean very bad like what happened to the girl who moqued me because she found me so quiet ...
the next morning she started bleeding from her ears untill she died. or what happened to the dog of the orphanage who started barking when he sow me with no reason and his dead body was found the next morning in the middle of the yard ...
are these simple coincidences ?
-He was slaughtered,Father james said.
"I removed the idea of being adopted from my mind"
untill the day of the coming of a buisness man and his wife .
They sow me sitting all alone on a sofa the women looked very strange to me like i 've seen her before , and the men seemed glad  when he first sow me and he immidiatly said :<<we are adopting this girl... !>>
- Uh ..what!! Mother Elie said...

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