Sunset valleys next top model

210 3 5

So this is a bit of an authors note BuT dOnT gO aNyWhErE. I want to start a sims pageant so I can get involved with my readers. The pageant only accepts SIMS 3 and SIMS 4 entries. Sorry for ts2 and ts users. So basically there will be a ts3 section and a ts4 section and you will be given a theme. For example the theme could be 'a day out in town' so you would dress and pose your sim for shopping etc.  Through each stage of the competition sims will be eliminated by readers votes. There are 7 stages meaning anyone can enter the first round but if you don't get enough votes you won't be picked to continue.

The first theme is
" new year, new me"
You may find cc and poses useful they can be best found on pintrest and tumblr
Closing entry date is 9th January 2018

EDIT: my Twitter is in my bio please send entries through that.
Or use this books Instagram (under my name)


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