On The Case

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"Detective Jiwoo! We've been expecting you." A man in a long brown coat approached the small girl coming out of the black car.

"So I've heard" Jiwoo replies fully out of the car and facing the man. It was the middle of winter and the bare trees surrounding the huge worn out house in front of them were making it look a lot more grim than most were comfortable with. It seemed as though there had never been life surrounding the building, although if that was true or not Jiwoo didn't know. The breeze was sharp as a knife causing the girl to quiver and snuggle further into her padded coat.

"Well you know what must be done." He said solemnly while looking at the house behind him. In all truthfulness he felt a bit sorry for sending such a young girl into a place many described as haunted, but this was her job after all.

On the other hand Jiwoo felt quite excited. All the places she had been asked to investigate before turned out to be fakes and just looked scary from the outside. There was always a glimmer of hope before she started her investigations of maybe this time it will be real. Maybe this time she will find proof of the supernatural.

Jiwoo had always been a fan of ghost stories and myths of scary bloodthirsty creatures. She thought the idea of them being real would be quite, exciting! So she decided to start a youtube channel of her going to abandoned places locally that had rumors of hauntings or any other strange events, turns out all of them were safe. Then one day a detective agency phoned up her house and gave her the opportunity to work with them on some supernatural cases they recieved. Jiwoo of course was jumping at the opportunity, however it did take a while to convince her mother to let her travel around the country staying at possibly dangerous places.

Now this was her job. And she loved it. The chill of facing the unknown, it was a rush of joy for her. Right now all she wanted to do was run in and start her night over in what was named "The Cursed House". Very creative name indeed.

"Well good luck Jiwoo, have you got all of your stuff for the night?" He asked one last question before departing. The man did not have much of a clue on what things were appropriate to take on a night over like this, so he couldn't ask about specifics.

"Yes I do, thank you very much for asking detective," Jiwoo smiled at the man hoping that he wouldn't notice the little pause before she said detective. Jiwoo had forgotten the mans name even though he worked at the office and she seen him almost every day. She had a pretty bad time remembering names, she usually just came up with nicknames. His was 'Mr Long Face' cause he always looked sad. Of course she wasn't going to say that out loud to his face though.

"I'll be taking my leave then. Good luck Jiwoo." He said while getting in the car Jiwoo arrived in. She waved at him with a smile as the car started and drove further and further away from her.

Now she was all alone. She smiled.

Jiwoo ran to the front door and stopped to inspect the atmosphere.

It was around 6pm and it was already quite dark, the sky being a swirl of dark purple and deep blues with a hint of blood red in the distance. The wind was softly blowing and it wasn't too harsh but it still had a sharp sting about it informing Jiwoo that it would be winter soon. There were faint sounds of birds squealing in the distance but apart from that it was deathly silent, almost creepy. The scent from the outside of the house was musty and damp, which you would expect from such a run down house like this one.

After inspecting the house Jiwoo took a deep breath and began to open the huge door looming over her.

It opened with a high pitched creek and soon jiwoo was looking into the interior of the house. It was pitch black inside so she really couldn't make out much to begin with. So she fished her flashlight out of her bag and turned it on to get a better look around.

She entered the house making sure to flash her light in every corner just in case. You never know what you could find in the dark.

She stepped further into the house and she was standing in the middle of what seemed to be an hall.

The Hall was a large square and had three possible ways you could go. Straight ahead Jiwoo was a huge magnificent staircase that lead to the second floor, to her right and left were both other rooms that looked, from where she was, equally as big as the hall.

The hall was red and purple themed giving it a kind of vampire film theme. The place though it had very beautiful decor, looked eerie as dust was covering everything. It was very clear that this house had been abandoned.

Now Jiwoo would have to face a decision. What way to go? She thought for a minute and decided that exploring the ground floors first seemed more reasonable. Then going without the simple theory 'right is right' she went right.

To her right was a room holding a magnificent table. The table was huge and could probably hold about twelve people need be. The rest of the room was quite empty apart from a few pieces of decorative furniture. The thing that really bugged her though, was the fact that this room, unlike the last, was clean.

There was no dust in sight and the cutlery placed on the table seemed to have been placed there quite recently. She took a closer look and realised the cutlery and dinning wear was dirty with food, but the scary thing was, it wasn't mouldy which meant it would have to have been used recently.

"Maybe this place is actually haunted then." Jiwoo mumbled in slight amusement.

She looked around for a little while and decided to go to the next room. There was a door that lead to a different place other than the hall so she decided to look in there first.

She quietly cracked the door open and fully entered the room which turned out to be a kitchen.

It was, like the other room quite clean and it seemed to have been used recently.

The room was clear white. Clear white walls and clear white surfaces. There was not a spot of dirt to be seen. Jiwoo narrowed her eyes.

"Alright so either this place does have supernatural beings in it or someone's just broke in and decided to live her for free." She sighed to herself. She's been in that situation before when she was still on YouTube.

There wasn't much else to note about the room so she went back to the hall to explore the room on the left.

The room on the left, Jiwoo discovered as she entered, was a living room of sorts. It had a old tv that looked hardly used and was covered with dust, while the rest of the room was clean. The room was very spacious and had several couches placed in random positions. It was the same colour scheme as the hall.

"Alright so just how many people lived here or live here?" Jiwoo questioned to herself after counting the number of couches.

There wasn't anything else interesting about the room and there wasn't any other doors so the only way now was up.

Jiwoo quickly glanced at her watch at the foot of the stairs.

"Oh it's been a while, it's nearly the witching hour"


Uh so yeah. This is my first story and I hope you liked! This is just basically background info I guess. The boys will be introduced next chapter.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2018 ⏰

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