Sometimes your hard to read

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They talk a little while waiting for their 

order. Blake kept thinking

Back about when they sat down. Adam

Stole Blake's seat while he was in the 

bathroom. Blake thought it was just a 

Joke till he saw the seat was wet.

He then realized Adam didn't do it on

Purpose when he saw the huge wet 

Stain on his pants. He didn't want to

Embarrass Adam so he stayed quiet.

"It's not what you think it's just water

I spilled it when I reached for the 

menu." Blake burst to laughter.

"Wow! That's amazing how stupider 

You become." Adam gave a small slap

On Blake's thigh. "Now you get to sit

In my seat." Adam said pushing Blake's 

Stomach. "No way!" He Slapped 

Adam's hand. "No!" Adam screamed 

When Blake grabbed Adam's hand and 

Tickled his stomach. It's when Blake 

Realized he was getting the feeling. 

Again. It Only happened when they 

would Joke around. Maybe he doesn't 

like Adam?Maybe he liked hanging out 

With him and messing around?

Maybe he just needs a friend after

the break up?

Whatever it is its confusing.

It scares Blake a little too.

He'll just have to see where it gets him.


They talk for a while waiting for the 

waitress to come. 

".........It's startling when you think that 

the person you care about could 


Blake looks back at Adam his voice 

Waking him back to reality.  

"Sorry what?" Adam looked down. 

He couldn't tell if his eyes were 

Filled with sadness or disappointment.

"I was just pouring my heart out but

(Sigh) whatever." He fiddled with his 

Fingers in his lap. 

"No no, I was just- I..... I'm sorry."

Before Adam responds the waiter 

Comes to take their order. Adam orders

A chicken salad while Blake orders 

Pasta. When the waiter leaves Adam 

Looks back up to him. "Just forget it

Okay. I'm not upset it's fine." When 

Adam gives him a small smile it's just 

Then he realizes that he loves him.

As a friend.


Adam looked back into the blue eyes.

He really did have it bad for him. But 

Maybe there was a chance. After all

He was pretty sure Blake liked 

Him back. Ya.... everything was gonna

be fine. Just fine.

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