Falling In A Forest

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Evan looked to the clouds and saw a cloud in the form of a tree, "I wish you were real oh how I wish you never withered away and left me." Evan look to his left to see an imaginary brick wall that was rotting away like his heart...Evan had only used his heart once and that was for Zoe Murphy the girl he wanted but didn't get because she had fallen deeply in LOVE with Alana Beck ,That's what happened to break them apart,Evan looked at the brick wall and passed it to see Zoe and Alana happy,Evan wish he hadn't fallen in love with Connor Murphy,because if he hadn't he would still have Zoe.

Evan looked to his right to see the brick wall gone and Connor leaning against the oak tree he had been laying by.Evan had been torn between two worlds,both of which had token his heart...

Connor looked at Evan and sighed,if only he had gotten to him before Zoe did,he would have the boy he had wanted.He looked to his sister and smiled this was the day he would try to fix his relationship with Zoe.He tried to do that everyday but knew she wouldn't accept it,so now he was going to block everyone out and just focus on their relationship

Alana gave Zoe her most convincing smile,on the outside Alana was and clever but...no one really knew why.After all everyone has their secrets.

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