Sinnoh high

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??? prov.

'here i go again' i say to myself. I walk down the halls of sinnoh high to my room, hearing again those insults about me, which i don't mind. pokemon here never really liked me,  most of them are just crap,  especially this one pokemon, "out of my way, punk" the cheeky bastard said. i just ignore him .which i always do. and go straight to my locker. lucky enough, i get out of his range. I grab my books and start heading to my room. 

Meet Riley, a socially impaired lucario, meaning he can't socialize very well. pokemon don't like him due to his mysterious life. his world is kept on himself, just reading books and listening to music. oh, and the douche bag we saw? his name is Allen, a gallade 

??? prov

I had gotten a good sleep when somebody called in my phone. i looked at it and i had another interview for the local news paper. its really hard to be the most popular singer and dancer in town. i cancel the interview. i sigh. "will they ever stop? im pretty sure they know im a 2nd year highschool student" i say to myself as i resume back to my slumber

Meet lily, the most popular singer of sinnoh high. most of the time she is all over the place. she is fun-loving and joyful. she can sometimes be a hard head, but she has a soft heart. she has many friends and loving family who will be there when she needs help

wow, first chapter done! this might be a good start! 

Pokemon highschoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang