Chapter 1 Life in the Forest

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My wolfy here, I call him wolfy because he helps me every day and makes sure I'm ok. "Ohh 

fuck", wolfy what did you get me this time, he dragged in a bloody animal, I think it's a deer or 

something. I need to work fast, I put the deer on the table and look closely it's a wolf but smaller, 

it got a shot five times. I grab my knife and cut the bullets out, then I went to the barrel I made 

and got some water to wash the blood off, I grab my blanket to stop the bleeding. Done now I 

make a makeshift bed and lay the wolf down, while I clean the blood off the table. Guess no food 

tonight and no blanket too. I go to my bed which is just some leaves and plants and lay down, 

when my wolfy walks over to me and wraps around me, so warm and safe. I woke up to the wolf 

growling at me, and my wolfy growling back. "It's okay wolfy he can go if he wants, but I need to 

get some food in me soon". I only have herbs and berries left, I need to go get some more. No, I 

don't eat meat, because I can't hurt animals, no matter what and when I go shopping it isn't 

much because food is expensive especially meat. I'm glad today is Saturday because I can go get 

another blanket and some wraps in case this happens again. I looked at wolfy and smile "I'm 

going shopping, so be good until I get back ok" he barked in response. When I got to the store, I 

got my things a cheap blanket, my dishes and a little bit of meat; that I will use to feed my wolfy 

and the other wolf. When I got back my parents were home...

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