The "Save the date" wound

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 Casagnère worked on intuition. He had never understood how one could imagine planning everything, calculating everything and trapping everything in procedures. The police administration had become a lair of... how to say... a lair of save-the-date. Save-the-date is an expanding species. Literally save-the-date saves the date, reserve it. The save-the-date is a meticulous being, who lives the frenetic rhythm, not of urbanity, but of the... procedure... What is a save-the-date? From Tokyo to London, via New York, Sidney or Paris, the save-the-date was about to conquer the world. A save-the-date will never receive you in an instant. He'll have to save the date, book it, give you an appointment. Nothing is stranger to a save-the-date than the spurt of the moment. The save-the-date is a fetishist of the procedure, even the most convoluted... The reason for all this? Anxiety as always, very bad counsellor when it comes to directing one's life... Save-the-date is to hide behind the procedure in order to try to escape from the void of one's existence... 

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