Social portrait of Adrien

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 In the petty nobility of the French State constituted by the civil servants of national education, Adrien was Marquis, the highest nobility distinction after that of Duke, whose office rested with the principal. Besides, the duke had less prestige than a marquis. In this grotesque and outdated closed world, the transmission of knowledge was only a pretext, the essential thing was elsewhere, and was situated more in the atavistic filiation of the powers. Adrien was a child of social reproduction, an agrégé father and an agrégée *  mother. It was thus in the order of things that the son took over the family torch. A few years, three, perhaps four, to boast with his titles of nobility in front of distracted students and then three little tours to see elsewhere, in a more welcoming administration, such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

 This is the man that Laetitia loved. She quickly got tired of the long lessons of erudition that her lover taught her. But she loved him for the security he brought her. Of course, he always had an answer to everything. He was a fighter, a sportsman, a jogger, and also a storyteller. In today's world, the Marquis were, to say the least, destitute, and the few subsidies that the State granted them were hardly more important than the pay of a cashier or a security guard." If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys ", says the American saying:" If you pay peanuts, you will get monkeys". Except that Adrien was unaware, in his own situation, that the state needed monkeys more than Nobel Prize winners...

* Aggregation is a highly selective recruitment examination for teaching in France, which has existed since 1766. Initially, the idea was to create a corps of teachers capable of taking over from the Jesuits who had just been banished from France. Aggregation gives social recognition and power to the one who is received.

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