Surprise Surprise!

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Completely apprehensive, Ashley got into the limo.

"Hey love," Ashley jumped and turned around. Ringo was sitting on the same seat as her smiling happily. Ashley shrieked with happiness and hugged him tight. Ringo chuckled hugging back.

"Oh my god!" Ashley's eyes were glistening. She couldn't tell how happy and amazed she felt seeing him. "Richie.." She murmured trailing her finger down his cheek. Her Richard...

"You planned it, didn't you?" She said pulling away.

"Yeah.. How is the surprise?" Ringo watched Ashley's face. He knew it was a perfect idea to surprise her and then he would tell her how he felt; something he wanted to tell her since ages.

What Ashley felt was beyond words. Richard, Richard fucking Starkey - Ringo Starr had shown up for her! Her love for him rose up so hard in her chest, she was amazed it didn't show. She opened her mouth but no words came out, instead she laid her head on his chest.

Ringo grinned and pulled her close to him, dropping a kiss on her head. "I'll assume you missed me a lot.." He raked his fingers through her hair laughing when Ashley hit his stomach with the back of her hand. "Come on, Missus..." He coaxed earning him another swat. "Oof, what was that for?"

"Your ego..." Ashley spoke and then smoothed her hand over his arm. She tilted her head back and smiled up at him. "But seriously, this is the best thing ever.." Ringo smiled down at her. "I know.." He took her hand and kissed her fingers. Ashley shivered at the touch of his slightly chapped lips and a brush of his five o clock stubble against her sensitive skin.

Ringo watched her reaction chuckling. She looked happy and that was what he wanted, to see his Ashley happy. He held her to him as the limo entered the gates of their home deciding to confess and open up to her, all the thoughts he held, everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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