Chapter One

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For most of my childhood I've had dreamt of owning an apartment in New York. I would imagine myself walking down the streets, with the most authentic clothes, the classiest heels and the glazed eyes of a dreamer.

I had dreamt of an eternal smile.

My dream came true, almost, may I precise, came true thanks to the community college in New York.

My father was simple man, who owed nothing more than a small and quiet family. His money was spent wisely and exclusively on education and the basic needs.
We never asked for much. My mother raised us to never ask for much and to always be grateful for what we have in our hands.

I don't remember complaining much as a child. I would mostly nod and understand because I would see my father struggling everyday for even ten dollars. So I knew not to ask for a lot.

When I was accepted in Guttman, my parents were ecstatic.
My mother was sad because I had to leave to another city but I was not. I was happy to leave everything behind.

I was hurt. Too much and until today I can said without any doubt that nobody deserves this kind of heartbreak. A confusing one.

Well heartbreaks can be classified into many different types.

My type was quite the unusual one and while going through my story, you'll understand why.


We were walking towards a small cafe Gina and I. It was after school.
I remember that day very well because I was walking in my brother's sneakers. My shoes didn't dry off yet from yesterday's heavy rain so I was stuck wearing his shoes.

Gina was busy talking a lot, as usual, when we entered the cafe.

"Hey" I nudged her when the barista motioned us towards the counter.

"What will you ladies like to have today?" He asked with a simple and polite smile.

I could tell that he was tired by just looking at the dark bags under his green eyes.

"Two ice cafe with pistachio ice cream in it" I stated slowly while thinking of something to eat.

Since Gina and I work in pairs, it was no surprise that she knew what I'd like to eat.

"And four cheese croissants thank you" She added with a smile.

With that we sat down in our usual corner, near the door.

Gina was furiously tapping on her phone while I was lazily glancing around, checking for some sort of entertainment.

I saw none.

"Hey" Gina said absently as she carried on playing with her phone.

Her red hair was pinned high up and all tied with a huge black bow.

"Yeah?" I mumbled quietly enough for her to hear and response.

"There's a sort of garden party going on this Sunday at Mel's house. It's free to everyone" She started while putting her phone down and grinning at me.

I instantly refused.

Human contact and I were in two different boats, in two different seas.

"But why?" She whined loudly but stopped when the waiter came to put our food down.

Gina slurped loudly on her drink while fixing me with her dark green eyes, almost like Cila, my cat.

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic behaviour and simply shrugged.

"I'm more of a movie type of person and besides" I paused to stuff a croissant in my mouth, "It's just for old people, I mean my mom is going with her friends" I hissed with wide eyes.

Gina rolled her eyes at me so hard at that moment I feared she saw her brain.

"This is a party for everyone including us" She stated firmly and insisted so much that I gave in.

I happily obliged to attend to this event and at that moment I didn't know my life was about to change.

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