Chapter Two

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The garden party was as boring as watching season 1 of The Big Bang Theory.

I was sipping on some homemade orange juice and glancing around, tapping my left foot against the soft green grass while waiting for my best friend who somehow disappeared to I don't know where with perhaps Martin, her boyfriend.

They had been together for two years now and very much in love. Martin had been attached to Gina's hip ever since.

"You should stop looking as if you are about to cry while looking for someone" Someone muttered behind me.

I tenses up immediately and turned around with a frown.

Dark chocolate eyes which looked so soft and melting in every way possible were smiling right back at me.

I blushed furiously and glared at the intruder.

"It's just my normal face" I defended weakly while turning my face away from his teasing smiling one.

My intruder's physique was not very impressive. Instead he was very tall, lean and slightly skinny. A bit frail with a pale complexion and a very adorable nose. He had straight black hair which looked so soft and a perfectly clean skin.

He looked down at me with a grin, showing off a set of bright teeth with a gap between his two front teeth.

He was adorable.

"Well ma'am your normal face is now my favourite face to look at" He chuckled and smirked down at me upon seeing my reaction.

"Stop being so silly with a stranger" I just said weakly and rolled my eyes when he only laughed and shrugged.

"My name is Anwar" He said quietly after some minutes of awkward silence.

"Mine's Jude" I muttered softly and shook his hand when he offered it and looked down shyly.

I let out a surprised gasp when I let go of his hand because somehow, in this lapse of time, he managed to grab my chin softly and almost gently, lifted it up until I was looking at him straight in the eyes.

His eyes held some kind of gentle affection and they softened instantly when they met mine.

In this moment I could feel our two worlds colliding and finally meeting each other.

In physics I've learned that whenever two strong objects came into contact with one another, they either go through a collision where they stick together and give out energy or they are destroyed.

In that moment, that very specific moment where we looked each other in the eyes, we were creating a new world and at the same time destroying our own individual world. And the repercussion that followed left me bleeding.


"I've never seen him at school" Gina murmured while eyeing Anwar cautiously.

I rolled my eyes at her and smacked her arm gently when she kept staring.

"Because he goes to Pierre Curie High School stupid" I snorted out in a unladylike manner.

Gina frowned and kept her eyes fixated on the boy who was having a chat with Martin and smiling every now and then.

He wore a dark blue jacket, with the logo of a football team on it, Paris Saint-Germain.

"Why the hell is his name so not common?" She quickly retorted and rolled her eyes at me.

"How would I know that?" I snapped back and added, "Besides, it's a very pretty name" I chuckled when he glanced back at me and waved.

Martin and Anwar happened to be very good friends. They went to school together, sat down together and spent the holidays together.
They were best friends.

"Well" Gina chirped with a bright smile, a knowing smile must I add.

I raised an eyebrow at her and questioned her words through my eyes. Good thing that my best friend could read my eyes.

Gina giggled while grabbing my arm and dragged me towards the two boys.

"Time to spice up your life Jude" She grinned and shoved me towards Anwar.

He looked down at me with a small smile and this is when my life began.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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