Eagle Heart

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"Waaa! waaa!" a baby was crying.

"Don't cry it'll be all right.


Kiya turned around just in time to see her husband get demolished by the beast. His massive fists crushed her husband. It turned it's head so kiya can finally see its face it was big and purple with massive two foot treaty sticking strait up from his bottom jaw. His face was absolutely terrible.


She had to think fast the beast was Gona come for her next. And she had to get her litle girl safe. She new that this beast would always want to find her litle girl so she gave the little girl the power to shape shift.

"Ah." She woke up.

"It's ok." The man said. he had gray messy hair and looked like a fisherman.

"Who are you?"

"Never mind that. you'll find out later."

This is a world where magic is used but very rare. 2% of the population on this world are Mages. Some are famous for it while others hide it. They live amongst you in guilds or in your apartment. Thy can be evil or good. This story is about a certain Mage named Hoshi.

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