Chapter 4

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We are waiting at the mansion. Klaus said what taking them so long. Eiljah said be clam my brother. I said I'm going to take a shower to get the cave mess of me.

I sped upstairs and got into the shower for 27 minutes I got dress in a different outfit since my other on was dirty. I was wearing a simple outfit.

I sped downstairs and jump on nik and said I'm going to caves to check on my guests

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I sped downstairs and jump on nik and said I'm going to caves to check on my guests. I hop on my motorcycle.

TThen drove off towards the caves

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

TThen drove off towards the caves. I parked my ride and went in the caves. They were awake they saw and the doppelganger came at me i toss her into her brother and said don't do that ever.

I will kill you and Klaus wouldn't care if I did so sit and stay. The brother spoke and asked how long are we going to be here. I said until we get the coffins back from your friend. I gave them a basket filled with food then left the caves.

Hop back on my motorcycle and drove back home. I arrived back home to see the Bennett witch there she was hurting my brothers i sped behind her and toss her into a wall she passed out. Then the older Salvatore sped came in and sped her away from the mansion.

My brothers got up and was okay I said I kill that witch. Klaus said not yet dear little sister. My phone rung I answer it was Stefan Salvatore.

He said I give your coffins back. I said when he said now next thing I my siblings came in with our mother.

It been three weeks since we got our siblings back. Mother was planning a ball. The ball is right now.

I got up and went into the shower for 30 minutes I got out of the shower and got dress in a very lovely dress.

I got up and went into the shower for 30 minutes I got out of the shower and got dress in a very lovely dress

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I went downstairs to see who arrived I saw the doppelganger came in with both Salvatore brothers on each arm. I thought she a wench for what she doing to the brothers.

The ball began I heard one of the witches ghost voice telling me my mother plans with Finn. I went into the study were my dear mother and I hide and heard everything.

She was saying to the Doppelganger bitch. I left the in my cat form and went outside and shifted back to normal. I came back inside to that doppelganger lie to my brother Eiljah about my mother motives.

I went up to my brother Klaus as he about to drink the champagne I took it way from and said this is no good. After the ball ended. I went to my mother room and pulled her out I toss her into the parlor.

Then Finn came I sped over and snapped his neck. The rest of the family came in and Rebekah asked what are you doing to mother.

I told what mother had planned. Klaus said that why you said the champagne was no good I nodded. I was toss into a wall by finn I landed on a plant that harmful to cats and passed out.

Klaus sped over to me and pick up me and said Elijah the plant she landed on is harmful to cats and it looks like it went into her blood.

I thought is this my time then I saw a pretty witch and she said no it not your time then I woke up in my brother arms. He and my siblings was crying I said I never leaving guys.

They all look at me and gave hugs and kisses. Then I said family above all and family fovever and always.

                         The end

Elena MikaelsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang